Twilight: Um, theyre comfy but Luna seems to like them on me even more than I do. And ohmystarsisLunareallyaskingtostaythenightlikaaslumberpartyorlike oh, oh my
Is Twilight misinterpreting the situation? Is Luna really suggesting what we all think shes suggesting? Find out next time!
@Background Pony #669C
Well, it’s usually because babies get into or do certain things that can be viewed as hilarious in hindsight or emberassing as we get older. Not to mention how people just feel a tad bit uncomfortable about it and other people can get a chuckle out of watching them squirm.
You don’t have to go anywhere, but soon ponies will start to wonder why two out of the four princesses are currently staying in a small ordinary house, instead of a castle. It’s going to cause problems for the guards too, as they have to dispatch extra units to watch that house.
Oh, they aren’t at Twi’s parent’s house anymore. Silly me.
Hm? What small house?
Well, it’s usually because babies get into or do certain things that can be viewed as hilarious in hindsight or emberassing as we get older. Not to mention how people just feel a tad bit uncomfortable about it and other people can get a chuckle out of watching them squirm.
I never got what’s so hilarious or embarassing about baby pictures
“oh dear, that person who obviously has to have been a baby at some point was once A BABY?!”