People, this isnt fair. When I started discovering this site, I thought of it as a meme-acceptant place where people can freely share their meme stuff, even if its just some goofy face slapped on a TV show screenshot, as long as its pony related. Local admins allow such things with Twiface, Twilicane, ponies in real life, and many other memes like these. Thats a classic way to use meme faces - stick them on random image in MS Paint. And so, meme-slapping was legally practised, and all memes were equaluntil that cursed day on which mods decided that simple images involving one particular meme were a form of shitposting. It happened after some anon(s) posted a lot of Simpson screenshots with Scootaloos derp face (so-called chickun) in them. And so the Scootalocaust began. While other people post Twiface, Twilicane, ponies in real life, and many other memes like these, the followers of chickun cant post their beloved chickun face edited on pictures in MS Paint, unless mods consider it to have artistic merit. I myself have tablet, SAI and artistic skills, but do all the chickunists have them?
Ive heard that sites administration considers chickun edits to be a low-effort trolling, but what if someone posts them just for fun, to share chickun goodness with their fellow chickun appreciators? After all, there are people who like to see low-res Scootaloo face with a silly expression slapped on some poster, screenshot or gif image. We exist. And we want our poorly-edited chickuns back.
Look at this pony on the banner. She may be smiling, but behind the smile there is hidden suffering. Look into her eyes. They look so unserious, yet if you look deeper, youll see reflection of hopelessness and dejection in them. She appears to be laughing, but on the inside shes crying at the sight of hunderds of chickuns being mercilessly slaughtered. Look into your heart, admins. Do you really want to take away our right to post these memes? Shouldnt there be another way?”
@Who cares the pony
@Obsessive Rarity Fan
We’re actually on 8ch’s /b/ board, the chicken board is just a decoy for lulz. our real thread is currently here www dot 8ch dot net/b/res/3382341 dot html but we start a new one every few hours. You can always find our bread in the catalogue by searching for pony.
You guys are all welcome, especially you Rarifan, I remember you favoriting chickuns way back before the scootalocaust.
Why is it moving like that?
Oooooh, a fullchan chickun board? Nice, I’ll definitely come check it out. By the way, aren’t you the “Pony Inspector” guy, cuz if so then I met you at last year’s Bronycon. Will you be attending again next month?
We know it. But I personally lack coding skills, so making a decent site - not to mention administrating it - is impossible for me. If only there was an already existing site that supports user groups AND allows poorly-edited memes…
I am very lazy, yes, but I despise Chickun and everything it stands for, so another place for it to be would be quite pleasant for everyone who does and doesn’t want to see it. That way all the chickun fans can leave it all there and away from here, and those of us that hate it, can easily just not go there.
You would just love me to make if for you. I bet you are lazier then me that’s why you said that….
@Who cares the pony
It’s not gonna make itself. Do it yourself if you really want it so badly.
We need a site like this. If fluffy ponies got it, we should get it too.
Oh I didn’t claim intelligence, that would be far too nice. I just can’t see anyone taking this at all seriously, no even those that are so called protesting it or whatever.
It’s cute that you think of yourselves as important or relevant when you actually hardly are (the only recognition you will ever obtain for the chickun cause is its status as a forced meme; enjoy it, for you won’t get any better than this).
Nothing lasts forever. The universe will die, the human race will die, the Internet will die, the brony fandom will die, you and I will die and chickun will sure as hell be no exception – and after it happens, no-one will be left to remember.
I only commented that picture because it provided a bit more content than the usual chickun garbage. For the rest, my only response will be as usual: denying you the attention you crave and let the mods deal with you as they see fit – a rather off-hand approach that won’t do much to hasten your demise, I know, but there are only so many things that I can allow myself to give a fuck about, so be thankful that I found one spare for you.
@Background Pony #F6F7
I pity the mods that will have to clean up this mess (good thing I’m not one, I would have culled at least a hundred more amongst those who remain without a shred of remorse).
@Background Pony #171B
Who ever claimed that trolls were intelligent?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
No, it just means 2originul4mee.
Those Monsters!! D:
Nevar 4get the chickuns so tragically lost!!! ;~;7
That’s pretty dumb.
there used to be over 1000 chickuns on derpibooru running wild and free before the dark times, before the scootalocaust. Now the 446 chickuns you see today are but a tiny fraction of the 7500 chickuns waiting on my hard drive to come make friends.
Ive been shitposting chickun on 4chan since at least 2012, and some of the other funposters were there before me, so yeah.
mods attacked peaceful chickuns a while back in what has become known as the scootalocaust.
No, it just means go back to Tumblr.
There’s 446 of them.
Simple chickun edits are removed from DB.