Drowning in Horseshoes just kind of quit like Tommy Oliver, but he did it 100x better and went out with a bang!
He pulled off what nobody could, an over a year long stunt that was his channel, and made the “analysis” community better because of it. Don’t believe me? Watch his video.
There weren’t even more than 2 pictures about him on the whole site, so I guess that comfirms another one of his points.
RIP Drowning in Horseshoes
we didn’t deserve you
You can definitely tell I haven’t watched wrassling for awhile.
Panda wrestling, now There’s an untapped market!
@Tumblr Feminism Is A joke
The irony is palpable.
Only somehow, this image is even more pretentious and obnoxious
Of coarse it was, the whole thing was planned from the start so he could make money with his patreon powers. He’s never gave a shit about MLPAnalysis, but he did make money making videos to crush random kids enjoyment in what they are doing under the guise of art then taking to Twitter to flat out insult defensive and confused kids while laughing at them and about how they don’t understand what he did.
I’d have rather lived my life never knowing this man, he’s depressing to think about.
A.E.: Attention seeker.
Reminds me of a certain mustache wearing jerk who also accused the fanbase of the same shtick.
And his taste in anime is shite too.
Certainly seems like that, what with the response they’ve gotten thus far.
Be careful when you say that around “analysis bronies” as kiss-ups, like @mrshyguy, will constantly defend them, depicting them as messiahs and claiming that what they did was worthy of being recognized by the entire community.
Yeah, when say you’re a big inspiration, but half the people you ‘inspired’ up act high and mighty to people or just plain stop doing anything, can you really say you inspired them?
The only one I’ve seen do what he wants is Digi and if I care more about random anime I’d probably watch his channel. The rest either stopped your like you said, threw a hissy fit.
Combine that with the “screw what the audience wants, I’ll do what I want” mentality and you’re left with an individual that’s 100% relying on their own strength to keep creating, which is not a healthy way to go about things whatsoever. If the Horseshoe Crew wants to do what they want in the way they want to do it then that’s their right, but that doesn’t make it the most productive or positive way they could be going about things, and stuff like Tommy’s hissy fit are an example of how things can go wrong.
What you said in your comment further down may be true, but look at it like this:
To us fandom members, it seemed like a decline in quality of their content. True, it was. But what I meant by “they became better people” was not “their content became better”. I meant that they finally had the guts to sever their bonds to a fandom they outgrew. I woudln’t want to watch people I love doing something they hate, just because they feel obligated to do it. Now they can spread their wings and do whatever they please. This fandom may not approve of that, but they are happier that way, and I woudln’t have it any other way.
Alright, I can see where you’re coming from. I guess his content wasn’t meant to inspire, just to entertain. If it didn’t entertain you, then that’s just how it is, humor is subjective after all. The “inspiration part” mostly happened to Digibro, Tommy Oliver, TBBBAP and Gibbontake, because they interact with Jesse in private a lot. They even named themselves the “horseshoe crew”, so there’s that.
I saw most of the ride too, and as I said, his schtick got pretty boring. How that is supposed to inspire other people, I’m not entirely sure. By doing whatever he wants to do, I guess? Except he didn’t, really, cause it was all part of his plan.
Also, what @sigh said. I don’t really think these guys actually improved cause of the whole stunt. Plus, personally, I didn’t get invested in his character at all, since it wasn’t all that interesting to me.
As I said, he actually had pretty insightful stuff to say, when he wasn’t busy acting drunk. Dunno. Wasted potential.
That may be what he sees, but a cursory glance at those same reviewers now shows that momentary high they got from their “independence” has come crashing down, leaving them either having nothing to do with the MLP fandom at all or putting in little to no effort in their videos. See my last comment for specifics.
May I ask why you think it’s dumb?
I thought it was pretty impressive, but maybe I’m biased because I was there for the whole ride. (and what a ride it was)
Ok, that’s dumb. I get it, but it’s still really dumb.
His whole channel, his videos, were all part of an elaborate scheme to hold up a mirror to the “analysis” community, the fandom at large, and what is has, in his eyes, become.
You may say “well duh, of course he was playing a charakter”, but it’s more than that.
All of his “phases” he went through in his videos, were part of his game. His charakter went through a by-the-book pro wrestling character arc. He made his audience love him, hate him, played with their emotions, and the clues were always in plain sight. He walked the line between parody and sincerity and “became” what he hated, for the greater good (for lack of a better description).
He also talks about how he, through all of this, influenced part of the early “analysis” dudes, like Digibro, Tommy Oliver, TBBBAP and Gibbontake. They became better people because of him, because he finally gave them the incentive to do what they want, to just say “fuck it” and do what makes them happy. His channel may have been a ruse, but the bonds he forged were, and still are, very much sincere.