the little pony is Michelle Crebers OC. at bronycon all the military bronys lined up as michelle became the most adorable drill sergeant ever. to top off the act at the end Michelle broke a hat belonging to a pony named “Tweak” (the gentleman who gave the hat to Creber) it was his day to day headgear, not an antique. well at the end she broke the hat to pieces. Soo I had this made because its freaking awesome!!
No, but she could grow up to be the next Saddle Rager.
So I’m guessing she won’t be getting a cutie mark in commanding at all, huh? XD
Or both!
Or it’s a very good filly.
When she realized what happened, she freaked out a bit. I told her it was alright. That’s what happens when Drill Sergeant gets mad: he throws the hat. Then I said she owes me fifty pushups. :P
I have to ask: What was Michelle’s reaction when the hat broke?
Fun fact time!
The Drill Sergeant Campaign Hat, or “Brown Round,”: is made of felt. As such, it tends to bend and warp when it gets wet, ie when we have to wear it in the rain. So, most Drill Sergeants put several coats of polyurethane on it to ensure it keeps its shape.
I had put a bunch of coats of poly on that hat, and it already had a crack in it from when I had gotten pissed at a private and threw it. So when Michelle threw it…
Great artwork, friend!