Brooklyn: Of course it is! Halloween’s the only time gargoyles can go out in public.
Maud: You mean Nightmare Night. And why do I have to dress as Black Spider?
Brooklyn: That’s Black Widow, from The Avengers! And it goes along with my costume.
Maud: (sigh) The things I put up with…
Brooklyn: C’mon, you know you love it.
A collaboration with TheHappySpaceman01. I sketched it, he did the lineart, and we both worked on the shading and coloring. It was inspired by an idea from Sharidaken, only I modified it–the original idea was the Hulk and Black Widow, but I changed it to be Captain America and Black Widow.
This is also a departure from my usual style since it’s the first time I’ve ever shaded a picture. Tell me what you think! (:
Thanks! Yeah, I decided against the movie version costumes because, first of all they don’t look as good, and secondly the Avengers movie hadn’t come out when Gargoyles took place (the mid-90’s), though the comic had come out by then.
Just give it time, and let some other bronies/shippers/Gargoyle fans catch on.
All I can say, anyways.
Yeah. Still, I don’t understand why Mauxie pics are getting tons of likes, yet my pictures of Maudlyn (which I work a very long time on) don’t get as much–or, in this pic’s example, get three dislikes as well.
Good point :U
Yeah, though really, both of them working at the same farm is such a loose connection that Trixie could just as easily have hooked up with one of the other sisters, or the mom, or the dad (who says Trixie is lesbian?)
But hey, just my opinion, and opinions are like assholes: everybody has one. :)
Even when I explained the plausible reasons to you? |D
Yup, and this time I put a lot of time and effort into it, and even got another artist friend–and a former non-brony at that–to help me with it!
(Of course I still have to compete with that Mauxie pairing that makes no sense XD)