“With a few exceptions, the fans’ love of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic comes off as entirely wholesome.”
“Bronies are in a constant struggle to receive the respect that they’re so happy to give out.”
“I can’t and won’t blame the bronies for my own discomfort. Although hesitant to speak with me, each person I encounter at the con is incredibly kind.”
That’s very wrong. The last time we had negative portrayal in widely viewed media was Howard Stern. If the source of the media is shit the article is shit as far as I am concerned.
Maybe, but still, it’s nice that they are at least attempting to take a somewhat neutral stance of “some are bad, but overall, bronies are good people”, which regardless of intent, is a better alternative than just the usual stereotyping.
It’s a step; there’s is no need to become overly paranoid from this positive gesture, even if it does come from a source that does so begrudgingly.
Don’t fall for it.
Dude, it is incredibly rare for bronies to get this positive a portrayal in mainstream media. Don’t assume it’s bad just because it’s from a website you have a grudge against.
Anyway, it’s a really good article. The best part is how honest she is about her reactions. At one point she admits that even though MLP and the brony fandom is not for her, she’s a little jealous of the bronies and wishes she could enjoy that sort of thing.
It’s understandable if you don’t agree with everything Jezebel publishes, but all of the MLP articles they’ve posted have been supportive of the fandom.
The term “Jezebel” used to be slang for “bitch” back in the 1910’s and 20’s. It was often used to insult women who were protesting for the right to vote. The name of the site is a reference to that.
Here’s that DoNotLink to the article. @Jarkes, you can use that link with an ad blocker and private/incognito mode in your browser and they will gain pretty much nothing from your visit.
I just got done reading the 300 or so comments currently posted to it and there was just one single person making those kinds of statements. 90% of the posts were positive, a few were confused/disinterested, just that single hater.
And she got a lot of flack from the other commenters, as well.
Do it fa-, i mean, Jarkes. Its worth it, really.
I know. I was being sarcastic, though that’s not always clear on the internet (I had hoped that the emphasis I put on the word “wonder” would’ve made that clear, but I guess it didn’t)…
Also, even if the article itself is positive, I can’t bring myself to click the link.
She explained why. She explained that bronies are hesitant to talk to “press” after being grilled so many times by shock jocks and misinformation.
I am quite impressed.
Gee, I WONDER why that was the case…
I’ve never even heard of this site until just now. …Though given its name, I can guess its content. …Though I can’t comprehend why they chose the name “Jezebel” out of all the Biblical women they could’ve chosen from considering Jezebel was… kind of a b****.
It’s Jezebel. What do you think?
It’s almost like Jezebel has a soul.. that is, until you look at the user base and start hating humanity again. An above average Jezebel article, but that’s not saying much, really.
Let me guess, the comments are the typical “bronies are horsef**ing pedo scum” crap?
I don’t even want to think about what her special talent might be.
Honestly though it seems like a surprisingly misogynistic cutie mark for an article on a supposedly female-oriented website. Unless I’m reading it wrong.