Part 1: A Weekend Away (Part 1) by GarrettheGarret
Part 11: A Weekend Away (Part 11) by GarrettheGarret
That’s nothing! Here’s the alternative script for the shippers:
:iconhumanfluttershykind: : Oh Rainbow Dash! What are you doing in my bed?
:iconhuman-rainbow-dash: : Engaging in a sexual liaison with you, obviously…
:iconhumanfluttershykind: : Ooh! You mean Nook Nooks! Alright, we’ll we’d better get back into bed and get on with it!
:iconhuman-rainbow-dash: : NO WAIT! I WAS BEING SARCASTIC!
Hehehe… you wish… :naughty: - dxd
Tell me about it. I couldn’t wait for the next part when he suddenly shut down his account.
He created a new one, but it’s only has pics of vehicles. It doesn’t have any EQG stuff or comic/pics at all.
I think he is, it wouldn’t be the first time he lurks around his old stuff XD
And here we are all hoping for a new comic.
Are you Garret?
No good reason, artists are just moody sometimes.
First: “he”. The artist is a male.
Second: Well… so far he didn’t say anything about his old works being here. Sooooo… I think those will stay until he says otherwise.
Is she alright with her work remaining on here?
Whoa man, he’s not dead.
His pony art is.
He and his art will be missed :(
Seriously. Sometimes I look through my favorites on dA, and it’s maddening how many deviations are “in storage” or belong to now-deactivated accounts. Even if they want to abandon their old projects, why delete them as well?
Just like that, all of a sudden?
I really don’t get artists, sometimes…
There you go, here’s the new account.
Unfortunately, he stopped with EQG stuff. Now he moved on original works (they still have his own little touch anyway, so nothing much went lost).
Because of this, I think that this comic can pretty much be considered “finished”.
Follow him if you want to follow his own original stuff, otherwise forget it.
Can you link me to the account in question? Also, will he still be doing this stuff, just on a different account?
On one of his other accounts, he had said that he wanted a change, and deactivated that account.