Dusk is a very serious, very introverted mare. Despite her upbringing with her two mothers, Twilight and Celestia, Dusk does and still has difficulty making friends and recognizing the magic in friendship altogether. Dusk prefers to be alone, in a library, or with her mothers. She often goes without her crown and horseshoes in order to stave off attention, even though it hardly works since everypony knows she’s the daughter of the princesses.
Dusk has the ability of sunset magic, giving a push to the sun to go down and the energy to the moon to go up, which at those times her magic is boosted. (In a nutshell, she could stave off the morning for an hour or so.) Luna is Dusk’s favorite aunt and loves staying up all night with her to watch the glorious night.
Some people are just less sociable than others.
Since Twilight knows so much about friendship i would’ve thought she taught Dusk something about it. If she’s like that because her parents are royality, then they didnt do a very good job of teaching her. But thats just my opinion. Still one of the bettter Twilestia kids.
What do you mean, ‘know better’?
yes i shut up now.
Sweet Christ, will you shut up?
you said,He does not have any other siblings, and now you said,She’s blood-related to both Twilight and Celestia as their daughter. so you right?
both you to are you okay?
and even you, you re my I do what I say.
and you talk to unoriginai dusk is student of star hunter.
yes blood-related to both Twilight and Celestia but also adopted parent is star hunter because star hunter also is a master to dusk.
She’s neither.
Are you some sort of idiot?
She’s blood-related to both Twilight and Celestia as their daughter. She’s not adopted, half-related, or some other stupid crap you can’t get through your thick head.
and also i think princess dusk is adopted daughter
of star hunter right?
very well.
I was willing to risk being out of line.
Thank god someone started to notice. I was having a hard time not being an ass to them.
okay guys you re are right.
You the same person from >>698175? Because if so, you’ve got a one-track mind and it’s starting to get frustrating.
okay well so princess dusk is a transwoman right?
The artist says they are unsure if they want Dusk to be his sister or in another canon entirely.
And no, she wouldn’t be his half-sister. Princess Dusk is the daughter of Celestia and Twilight, just like Dawn.