See, it’s images like this that make me want to just keep the “alicorn drama” tag under spoilers rather than outright hiding it.
Also, this needs to happen. Of course, I’d be happy if Shining Armor just got some screen time that was actually significant for once and not just him getting Worfed. And while we’re at it, the writers seem to be going out of their way to prevent Shining Armor and Cadance from sharing any screen time or even acknowledging that they’re married. Give us some legit feels with the two. Also, it’d be really nice if he actually got to be badass every now and then; he’s supposed to be the Captain of the Royal Guard, but that’s pretty much an informed attribute at this point.
tl;dr Shining Armor is my favorite pony and I wish he’d get more to do in the series.
@Background Pony #242F
Funny joke, but there’s no reason whatsoever to believe a stallion couldn’t ascend. Honestly, I think it would be absolutely ridiculous if they couldn’t for some bizarre reason.
That doesn’t mean Hasbro needs to go out of their way to make Shining an alicorn though, because I doubt he’s about to get a big enough story arc to make him earning an ascension terribly believable. Besides, it’s a proven fact that more alicorns = more unnecessary drama, and on top of that Hasbro probably thinks that more princesses will sell better, so they wouldn’t even bother.
@Background Pony #7B0F
Not everypony is a hippie, like me. Therefore, not everypony believes women are treated by others as lesser, and depending on the region, less than male minorities. :I
Welp, he works for an alicorn princess, he’s married to an alicorn princess and his little sister is an alicorn princess. I say our little trice hen-pecked captain of the royal guard deserves a little happiness in his life…
They would perhaps begin a new race of alicorns, Equestria’s new elite class and future collection of legends.
After all, given how he’s married to an immortal being, he should be immortal too…
Also, this needs to happen. Of course, I’d be happy if Shining Armor just got some screen time that was actually significant for once and not just him getting Worfed. And while we’re at it, the writers seem to be going out of their way to prevent Shining Armor and Cadance from sharing any screen time or even acknowledging that they’re married. Give us some legit feels with the two. Also, it’d be really nice if he actually got to be badass every now and then; he’s supposed to be the Captain of the Royal Guard, but that’s pretty much an informed attribute at this point.
tl;dr Shining Armor is my favorite pony and I wish he’d get more to do in the series.
…What? You just said they ought to make more alicorns because princes and princesses would sell them more carpe diem. o_O
Funny joke, but there’s no reason whatsoever to believe a stallion couldn’t ascend. Honestly, I think it would be absolutely ridiculous if they couldn’t for some bizarre reason.
That doesn’t mean Hasbro needs to go out of their way to make Shining an alicorn though, because I doubt he’s about to get a big enough story arc to make him earning an ascension terribly believable. Besides, it’s a proven fact that more alicorns = more unnecessary drama, and on top of that Hasbro probably thinks that more princesses will sell better, so they wouldn’t even bother.
+1 XD
Not everypony is a hippie, like me. Therefore, not everypony believes women are treated by others as lesser, and depending on the region, less than male minorities. :I
@Background Pony #27B7
That’s a joke, right?
Pats background pony gently on the head and feeds it a pet treat.
Or you know, it could just be a joke and you’re taking it way too seriously.
But of course, bronies never let facts or reality get in the way of forcing their LE MAYMAYS XDDD
And totally not because I want to see him and Cadance preening each other.