You wanna know the saddest part? #endfathersday started out as a ploy created my alt-righters to make feminazis look bad(not that they needed to) but then tons of ACTUAL feminazis found it and started preaching it.
Clearly these ladies have never heard of the man-hating women who shame their sons for their gender, torture them emotionally and physically, distance them from their fathers who might otherwise grant them a reprieve from the torment, and even drove them to suicide.
>all these people
>implying Canadians didn’t burn the white house
>implying they don’t have military plans to invade the USA as part of their strategic planning
>implying canada will not conquer the world
I never said you were. I was just pointing out that if what you say is true (and I don’t have any basis for believing otherwise), then I’m wasting my time digging through all my books on the ostensible subjects of debate, asking around of clarification on definitions, and re-learning things that I would’ve thought I would not need to know.
You do realise that makes any arguments he makes invalid? Hyperbole is associated with (IIRC) heaps of logical fallacies, including false dichotomy, argumentum ad populum, slippery slope, argumentum ad passiones, et cetera.
What you are essentially saying is that I cannot take any argument he’s saying sincerely.
He seemed pretty sincere (in his stupidity) to me, and when I posted that comment round on the political forums I also visit, after everyone had finished laughing, they said that quite a few people in the states sincerely believe that Canada is the greatest threat ever! to America
I’m pretty sure that’s a joke. It’s gotten to where I’m not 100% sure of that regarding anything I read on the internet, but judging from the rest of his comment he wasn’t serious about the possibility of British Colombia trying to annex Washington or something.
Uh, he kinda is. He said to me that the US needs spend a gazillion on defense to defend itself from, and I’m quoting here“Canadians or robbed by highwaymen or eaten by cannibals.” Not to mention that I, as an inhabitant of New Zealand, need to pay taxes to america for said defense against Canadians, highwaymen, and cannibals.
Just some random rather-opinionated person here.
@Darth Sonic
Yeah, he’s not that bad…
He did once try to imply I supported rape, or something though once… (I can’t remember.) I was so disgusted I stopped talking to him after that.
…So it’s a li’l ironic I’m kinda defending him here. It’s probably also not nice to “gossip” about him here, even if he is a bit odd at times.
Plus as stated repeatedly, the image above was just trolling/joking around, these people weren’t serious, and were apparently making fun of the pseudo-feminist SJW crowd on the internet. (Which sadly is giving true feminists a bad rep’.)
@The Smiling Pony
Not really. Even he’s not that crazy. Well… usually. Though he seems to be quietly disowning his whole “Tank the Turtle=Rape Culture” thing, but will never out and out say it cause he’s far too stubborn for that.
I’m far more worried about Blackbewhite showing up with his toxic passive-aggressiveness.
Clearly these ladies have never heard of the man-hating women who shame their sons for their gender, torture them emotionally and physically, distance them from their fathers who might otherwise grant them a reprieve from the torment, and even drove them to suicide.
No, it’s misogynerd gamers, remember? Literally HitlISISerKKK.
They were warning us, hiding it behind a joke.
And here I thought ISIS was the real enemy…
>implying Canadians didn’t burn the white house
>implying they don’t have military plans to invade the USA as part of their strategic planning
>implying canada will not conquer the world
caps lock indicates yelling
It just brings it to Poe’s Law. If you can’t tell which arguments are serious, treat them all as such.
I never said you were. I was just pointing out that if what you say is true (and I don’t have any basis for believing otherwise), then I’m wasting my time digging through all my books on the ostensible subjects of debate, asking around of clarification on definitions, and re-learning things that I would’ve thought I would not need to know.
Never said I was defending him.
You do realise that makes any arguments he makes invalid? Hyperbole is associated with (IIRC) heaps of logical fallacies, including false dichotomy, argumentum ad populum, slippery slope, argumentum ad passiones, et cetera.
What you are essentially saying is that I cannot take any argument he’s saying sincerely.
He was joking about that part. Trust me, his stuff is always filled with hyperbole.
He seemed pretty sincere (in his stupidity) to me, and when I posted that comment round on the political forums I also visit, after everyone had finished laughing, they said that quite a few people in the states sincerely believe that Canada is the greatest threat ever! to America
That is accurate way too often.
I’m pretty sure that’s a joke. It’s gotten to where I’m not 100% sure of that regarding anything I read on the internet, but judging from the rest of his comment he wasn’t serious about the possibility of British Colombia trying to annex Washington or something.
Uh, he kinda is. He said to me that the US needs spend a gazillion on defense to defend itself from, and I’m quoting here “Canadians or robbed by highwaymen or eaten by cannibals.” Not to mention that I, as an inhabitant of New Zealand, need to pay taxes to america for said defense against Canadians, highwaymen, and cannibals.
To quote Mr Plinkett: Whhhhaaaat?!
Nah, too direct. His ilk need plausible deniability, “NAFALT” and all that.
Just some random rather-opinionated person here.
@Darth Sonic
Yeah, he’s not that bad…
He did once try to imply I supported rape, or something though once… (I can’t remember.) I was so disgusted I stopped talking to him after that.
…So it’s a li’l ironic I’m kinda defending him here. It’s probably also not nice to “gossip” about him here, even if he is a bit odd at times.
Plus as stated repeatedly, the image above was just trolling/joking around, these people weren’t serious, and were apparently making fun of the pseudo-feminist SJW crowd on the internet. (Which sadly is giving true feminists a bad rep’.)
who is this texasuberalles and blackbewhite business you guys are talking about.
By not that crazy, I mean I doubt he’d support the cancellation of Fathers Day.
Not really. Even he’s not that crazy. Well… usually. Though he seems to be quietly disowning his whole “Tank the Turtle=Rape Culture” thing, but will never out and out say it cause he’s far too stubborn for that.
I’m far more worried about Blackbewhite showing up with his toxic passive-aggressiveness.
Because Texas mental gymnastics are funny to watch.
And you’re tempting fate why exactly?