Learn to touchtype. Its literally like a dozen times faster than hunt and peck. If you’ve been using a keyboard at all for any significant period of time you should already have subconsciously memorized most of them, and you’ll only memorize the rest with practice.
I feel old…
Smartphones have changed quite a bit since then.
Remember those physical slide out keyboards on phones?
They even had a tank in the concept art that never got into the game.
Two of them are girls, actually.
Lets just say, I have a learning curve.
Learn to touchtype. Its literally like a dozen times faster than hunt and peck. If you’ve been using a keyboard at all for any significant period of time you should already have subconsciously memorized most of them, and you’ll only memorize the rest with practice.
That’s how I type. XD!
There’s a girl at this table too
Nerd Theme
Pinkie, really?
Leader:Pinkie Pie
Most of them would be sitting all by themselves.
Must be a small lunchroom.