(@Lord Griffin)
So Big Mac is completely intent on nailing something, is he? Take that, Cheerimac!
You have no idea:
In Soviet Equestria, Luna nails you!
…and then Big Macintosh never left the house during Nightmare Night; no Nightmare Moon guise required for Luna. Incidentally:
One day, I went to a pub; the barman said if I could make the large red horse laugh, he’d give me free drinks for the rest of the day. I went up to Big Mac, and whispered something in his ear. He then laughed loudly & with gusto, saying very sarcastically ‘Eyyup!’. I got completely rat-arsed that night.
The next day, I went to the same pub. The barman said that if I could make the same horse cry, I’d get free drinks for the rest of the day. I went up to Big Mac, and whispered something in his ear; I also did something to my trousers out of everyone’s view. Big Mac gave a pitiful ‘Nope!’ and started crying. Approaching the bar, preparing for that night’s intake of the ol’ Milk of Amnesia, Liver-cripplers, and mentally singing ‘Goodbye braincells, I must leave you!’, the barman said incredulously ‘Yesterday you made Big Mac laugh, and just now you made him cry. How was that possible?!’
I replied ‘Yesterday, I said to him that I was… ahem… ‘bigger’ than him. And just now, I showed him!’
This isn’t one of the micro comics. This is #9 in the main line, and it’s the 3rd story arch.
1st = Chrysalis seeks revenge!
2nd = The Nightmare Mist corrupts again!
3rd = Big Mac tries to buy nails! (It’s more epic than it sounds)
You do realize that people can vary their sleep schedules, right, taking a week or two to get use to staying awake during the day, or just spending one day awake at an odd time, isn’t that hard.
Oh gosh,Luna is there because she WANTS to.be there.She’s stopping to be a complete social recluse and wants and likes to interact with her subjects.Jesus,stop blaming Celestia for everything…
In other news, the headcanon of Luna sleeping during the day has been denied, or at the very least, brought into question.
’Cuz honestly, who the hell competes in physical games like this during their sleeping hours?
I find it funny, and I took it as being in the contect of ‘Blame my sister I’m here.’, because I have a feeling Celestia was the one to send her to an event she knows nothing about.
Luna is pretty.
(@Lord Griffin)
So Big Mac is completely intent on nailing something, is he? Take that, Cheerimac!
You have no idea:
In Soviet Equestria, Luna nails you!
…and then Big Macintosh never left the house during Nightmare Night; no Nightmare Moon guise required for Luna. Incidentally:
One day, I went to a pub; the barman said if I could make the large red horse laugh, he’d give me free drinks for the rest of the day. I went up to Big Mac, and whispered something in his ear. He then laughed loudly & with gusto, saying very sarcastically ‘Eyyup!’. I got completely rat-arsed that night.
The next day, I went to the same pub. The barman said that if I could make the same horse cry, I’d get free drinks for the rest of the day. I went up to Big Mac, and whispered something in his ear; I also did something to my trousers out of everyone’s view. Big Mac gave a pitiful ‘Nope!’ and started crying. Approaching the bar, preparing for that night’s intake of the ol’ Milk of Amnesia, Liver-cripplers, and mentally singing ‘Goodbye braincells, I must leave you!’, the barman said incredulously ‘Yesterday you made Big Mac laugh, and just now you made him cry. How was that possible?!’
I replied ‘Yesterday, I said to him that I was… ahem… ‘bigger’ than him. And just now, I showed him!’
(Joke taken from the Rosetta Stone)
So Big Mac is completely intent on nailing something, is he? Take that, Cheerimac!
This isn’t one of the micro comics. This is #9 in the main line, and it’s the 3rd story arch.
1st = Chrysalis seeks revenge!
2nd = The Nightmare Mist corrupts again!
3rd = Big Mac tries to buy nails! (It’s more epic than it sounds)
You do realize that people can vary their sleep schedules, right, taking a week or two to get use to staying awake during the day, or just spending one day awake at an odd time, isn’t that hard.
Decks the shirt…and consequently Luna. Oops
Take that, shirt!
Seems to be a Big Macintosh-centered Micro series.
It was the t-shirt’s idea.
Screw you, sister…
That’s not how she is, that’s how you’re interpreting her.
Way to play the Bin Laden Card
Where there’s a belt, there’s a way!
I’m sure I saw a couple movies about it too but can’t remember their titles.
’Cuz honestly, who the hell competes in physical games like this during their sleeping hours?
I think the shirt was just supposed to be a joke as to why she’s participating. Get it? Her sister made her do it, blame her.
By following Lois’ lead here.