So I just woke up this morning and @Grapefruit-Face told me that Bahia Watson (The Voice of Misty Brightdawn from MLP G5) was at a Convention and Every G4 pursuers Latterly “Booed” at her when she got on Stage probably about to share something maybe related to G5.
I was actually Disgusted by this and seeing how these “So called” MLP Fans would actually Boo at someone who did the voice of a different series that they didn’t like, They should decently be a shame and maybe punished for their crimes!
Just Because someone voices or plays a character that is either Hated by people or in a series that is not as good, They should of respected the cast and crew who tried their Damn best on what they are working with! Harassing them and Booing them would make you more of a Hypocrite and Scumbag Jerk!
*I even Recently seen a video by Trainsandmusicfan’s take on this and he would even go as far as saying something like “GROW THE F#K UP AND MOVE ON FROM G4” which that is what G4 Pursuers should do, I know that G4 impacted a big fan base but the series is over with Season 9 and the cast and crew would do other projects instead, Not to mention some of them did came back to do G5 to reprising their roles one final time and Cameos, but they are not coming back to do a continuation of Season 9, It’s OVER!
It’s getting Ridicules at this point and I became less trustworthy to the fans and People who straight up hate G5 without giving it a chance. This is why I prefer doing Generation 5 related drawings, But kept the style of Friendship is Magic as I am still Loyal to Generation 4 and this is what I’m doing now, “I’m Loyal to Friendship is Magic by just it’s series, Not to it’s So called Fans”.
This Fanbase is now dying due to the hate and obnoxious things fans are doing, and if Twilight Sparkle was real and sees all this, She would be Disappointed.
*In the end, I rather just focus on G5 related things while avoiding any Toxic hate and ridiculous things these people are doing, as of Working on custom MLP Characters based on G4, I’m still working on that but will need some moment off because of this. *
*And this is a Personal message for Bahia Watson: I’m sorry on what the Fans did to you, you deserved better. Your Character was the best thing from G5 and I love her for being the most Sympathetic, and the most Developed Character. It was uncool on what they did to you and all I can do is Hope you get well and still do your best to keep Misty around one last time. *
*It was a very long rant and deer I say the most longest speech I can come out with. Hope you guys still support G5 and please “Don’t Harass anyone who dosen’t like G5” and to those toxic haters and ever to the ones who say Boo to Bahia Watson and even to Chris Chan “F#K OFF!!!”, that is all and take care.
@Background Pony #0B07
Ok, you’re going way too damn far with saying that most of the fandom are racist, sexist, and are abusive.
Quit over generalizing everything.
Sure, there are some people who act like jerks (to say the least) at times, but trying to say that that the majority of people in the fandom are that way is just plain ridiculous to say the least.
Don’t be one of those people who tries to lump everyone together like how some people who constantly resort to calling anyone who doesn’t agree with whatever they’re into this or that buzzword, that at this point, don’t really mean all that much anymore.
G4 is done. G5 is REDACTED. G6 will never be what we want it to be. Hasbro is a corporation that is interested in money and survival. The writers, animators, voice actors, artists, and everyone else who contributes to the show are people. MLP’s main audience consists of children we traumatize on a regular basis. The fandom has a racism problem, sexism problem, and abuse problem.
As much as I hate G5 with a passion, even I agree that this is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too far. This poor woman didn’t do anything wrong, she was just doing her job, and people are booing her simply for existing. Heartbreaking.
I don’t think it’s dead so much as not having as much common ground as they use to, which is kinda sad.
And while I do think G5 is fine for what it is, I do think it’s got a lot to live up to with G4. Though I think it’s stupid that anyone gives G5 this much hate.
@Background Pony #A31D sigh
I can understand those things, but people shouldn’t be assholes about it.
I don’t disagree that G5 isn’t as good as G4, but I do think that it’s far better than G3 or G3.5 from what I’ve heard, where it was just weird and trying to sell toys and that’s about it.
And I do think that the writers could’ve stood to make G5 a little deeper than it is, but I can understand that the show writers and such do in fact have to do what their higher ups in Hasbro tell them to, so they’re not always able to do as much as they might’ve liked to.
I mean, from what I’ve seen, I think that one little thing that would’ve helped G5 a bit, if only a little, was to actually have at least a fairly short redemption arc for Sprout, instead of just having him show up again later and not being a bad guy.
The only one thing that Hasbro got right about G5 was the first G5 movie.
After the first G5 movie ended, G5 started going downhill after that point and eventually it got worse to the point where Hasbro had no other choice but to cancel the whole G5 series because they were only losing more money on it at that point and not getting any of it back so why bother to keep G5 going if Hasbro’s only going to lose more money on making new G5 episodes?
Better for Hasbro to just cut their losses and kill off the G5 series right now than to go out of business and shut their studio down for good after they lose all of their money on G5’s failure.
@Background Pony #A31D
While that is true, I do think that that certainly doesn’t give the few who want to be jerks about things the right to be complete ***holes about any of it, and certainly not to harass the voice actors and such things in real life.
I think that while the 8 seasons of G4 is certainly something to be cherished, people shouldn’t be such hypocrites and act like ***holes toward others.
And I too would like to see some real evidence of this supposedly being bigger than just a few toxic ***holes leaving some mean comments and such.
@Background Pony #07AB
I understand that, but again, you and others mustn’t stoop to the level of the few toxic ***holes or you’ll really be no better than them.
That’s just the way it is, whether anyone likes it or not. And anyone who says otherwise is just being a hypocritical liar.
G4 was lightning in a bottle. The odds of Hasbro getting that lucky again with future mlp Generations is very low to zero.
Maybe G6 will get that lucky like fim did, but with Hasbro’s past records of bad mlp TV series before fim arrived on the horizon, that’s very unlikely to happen again twice for a long, long time.
Even so, I wouldn’t ever picture anyone else stepping up to their fandom podium whenever something new comes around and still pretends to marvel over it sometimes without giving second thoughts on their televised findings through G5 or G4 respectively.
Sure, I’m trying to sound a little less morbid among any other occasion, but them rejecting the silver lining with that fifth generation is still unforgivable, as that’s totally a crime against fictional character showbiz. Mind you, Bahia Watson deserves much better to follow any given show possible from time to time. Of course we’re ones to speechify about the current show’s freedom, to painting itself a clearer picture, no matter how mediocre they might sound. Either way, whether something proves their taste or distaste, it is what it is.
@Keira Alcove
It’s not fair to lump everyone in a fandom together by saying that it’s “full” of toxic people, as that’s very narrowminded.
Yeah, there’s jerks in every fandom, but you still shouldn’t lump everyone else together with the jerks just because some of them don’t like G5 as much as G4.
I personally don’t like G5 as much as G4, so does that somehow automatically an jerk of some sort?
I do think this sort of hate is incredibly stupid for anyone to show, as unless the voice actress is, well, a complete b**** in real life, she doesn’t deserve the hate because of the character she voices.
@Background Pony #07AB
Well, I don’t think it’s fair to lump any and all people who don’t like G5 as much as G4 into the same bag, as that’s being no better than hating on G5 like this.
And don’t wish ill onto others, because you’re no better than the obnoxious haters when you just trade blow for blow in such a manner.
So long time as pass since G4 and there are a lot of flaws and plot holes in G4 and some characters getting forgot like Scootaloo and Applejack with the she a “background character” G4 won’t survive either. G5 TYT just happened to be in the social media era where it’s the worst time of the social media.
Yet you’re still posting on this website.
Ok, you’re going way too damn far with saying that most of the fandom are racist, sexist, and are abusive.
I don’t think it’s dead so much as not having as much common ground as they use to, which is kinda sad.
Same here.
Spoken like someone who knows absolutely nothing about business
I can understand those things, but people shouldn’t be assholes about it.
The only one thing that Hasbro got right about G5 was the first G5 movie.
While that is true, I do think that that certainly doesn’t give the few who want to be jerks about things the right to be complete ***holes about any of it, and certainly not to harass the voice actors and such things in real life.
I understand that, but again, you and others mustn’t stoop to the level of the few toxic ***holes or you’ll really be no better than them.
Even so, I wouldn’t ever picture anyone else stepping up to their fandom podium whenever something new comes around and still pretends to marvel over it sometimes without giving second thoughts on their televised findings through G5 or G4 respectively.
It’s not fair to lump everyone in a fandom together by saying that it’s “full” of toxic people, as that’s very narrowminded.
Well, I don’t think it’s fair to lump any and all people who don’t like G5 as much as G4 into the same bag, as that’s being no better than hating on G5 like this.
And for G5 haters, is this your say “Friendship”?
I was never part of it. Fandoms are always full of toxic people, and I never associate with people like that.