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May 17, 2016 at 9:03:17 PM UTC
The Fate Thou Hast Wrought - NCMares
It was you
Breathless and cold
I could feel my eyes turning Into Dust
And Two Strangers
Turning Into Dust#mlp #fim #princess luna #ghost of hearthswarming yet to come #ghost #spirit #cloak #ncmares
The Fate Thou Hast Wrought
*It was you
Breathless and cold
I could feel my eyes turning Into Dust
And Two Strangers
Turning Into Dust#cloak #clouds #death #fate #fim #future #ghost #glowingeyes #pony #snow #spirit #wings #princessluna #ncmares #ahearthswarmingstale #mlp
The Fate Thou Hath Wrought - NCMares
Two brand new prints join the lineup @BronyCon . I’m so excited - only a week to go!
When the darkness comes, what will you see?
As if it wasn’t awesome enough by itself.