Today, 24th of March, is the day of national mourning..💔
My heart is breaking into pieces more and more everyday. It’s like there will never be a gap.
How many more people have to die to realize that there is nothing in the world more precious than a happy and friendly life?
I really want to wake up in the morning like before and know that everything is very good: the sun is shining, the birds are singing, friends and family are laughing. Is that so much?
Please don’t make political arguments in the comments. This is not the case.
ти би знав як мені вже похуй на 3 то році повномаштабки на те, яку сторону виберуть “внепалитичние расеяне”
Ты уж определись, кто ты. Мамкин циник, смеющийся над терактами или трусливый нейтрал? А на ядерку можешь забить, даже Гитлер зассал юзать ОМП, что уж говорить о современных политиках. Если всё равно трясёт, то всегда можно свалить в Африку, Латинскую Америку, какую-нибудь Монголию или просто в мухосранск.
Мне абсолютно без разницы что щас творится в России, Европе и Америке, щас уже реальная ядерная война накануне ибо стратегическое и не стратегическое оружие приводят в боеготовность
Мне самое главное просто жить и мне уже без разницы на мир
Мне 18 и я не познал счастья и то что я буду суваться в политику мне это точно его не даст.
And with your useless monologue you are breaking the rules because you are stirring up an inappropriate political discussion under this picture.
This. I think that this was meant to be a memorialfor what happened, it has anything to do with the current situation…
Don’t say what you don’t know.
I have never supported the war and do not intend to.
I only draw what I want. People are doing great without me, drawing pictures in support of Ukraine.
I don’t consider my drawing political. Marussia, first of all, is the personification of Russia. Not every drawing of Marassia is political.
A terrorist attack in hall? - they go vocal and demonstrably cry about how extremelly cruel it is
A dozen of russians killed in a terrorist attack? - “OMG this is so sad! Why can’t we have peace? This is so heartbreaking! 😭”
Looks like the one Russian in here disagrees with you on this.
Yes, of course I understand, this art is really serious, dedicated to a rather sad event, this is the largest terrorist attack in Russia since 2002.
And it is for this reason that I say that any political statements are inappropriate here.👌
But I like seeing more serious pony drawings like this.