Second YCH result order done and dusted, tysm for commissioning me!
Disclaimer: I in no-way support Ukraine or have any involvement with the ongoing “Save Ukraine” situation, I do not publicly take-part in political propaganda of any sort, it was requested by the OC Owner to include the Ukraine flag accessory as it was part of their ref sheet. I will also like to disclaim that the OC colours do not “mean” anything, their OC is based of their Grey pet cat they have IRL, so please do not claim or “compare” this persons OC to any sort of “Flag” or “Political subject” it is heavily rude & disrespectful, if you really need confirmation; contact the client/owner of the OC. I have already had confirmation from the OC owner about their OC. Just because a OC has “Certain Colours” does not mean “Its meaning is [this flag/thing/idk something cringe or unrelated.]”
Oh you’re on about the OC colours? Not as I am aware, the oc colours are not based of a any type of flag. I suggest contacting the OC owner to find out that, not me.
The accessory they requested is a flag tho(aka the small Ukraine flag.) As for the OC, no the colours aren’t based of any flag, hopefully this helps with your confusion.
Please just stick to reports next time.
It is about the combination of black and red.
Together with the flag of Ukraine, they may suggest just such a reference.