To be maintained to society’s artificial standards, a grass lawn requires artificial chemical fertilizers, several hundreds of gallons of water a year, constant reinforcement of the unnatural monoculture through either mechanical removal of everything not-grass that tries to grow or repeated applications of literal poison, and the use of polluting, energy-consuming machinery to keep the grass from reaching the height it evolved to grow to.
Grass lawns are also, by design, a waste of space. You’re taking land that could be used for:
Growing food crops for people.
Growing food for livestock.
Growing pollinator-promoting plants.
Growing plants that act as habitats for local wildlife.
Growing plants that provide food for local wildlife.
The useless, time and resource draining, pollution and poison encouraging grass lawn was created by the wealthy and powerful as a deliberate statement of their affluence. “Look at me, I’m so rich I can safely avoid the consequences of not using all of the land I own to produce the resources I need to survive!” And because if the rich SOB who’s fortune is generated entirely by the lawyers and accountants does it, everyone else just has to do it too, and now here we are.
Grass lawns are why the American Southwest has a water shortage.
@Neko Majin C
Not really. We’ve seen they have a driveway, a garage, a shed, we see the front door a lot. The front door is oval shaped on the top like the old “Golden Oaks Library” door, but then changed to be rectangular. They have at least two floors, and the interior of the house seems quite contemporary with normal looking kitchen, rooms, bedrooms, bathroom, etc. We’ve seen houses within the neighborhood, such as Amethyst Star who is supposedly a next door neighbor, so I am willing to bed the house looks similar to Amethyst’s if they follow a specific neighborhood style.
@Background Pony #4C9D
So you think it’s ok for people to be charged for something like not being obsessive about lawn care? How is having a mossy yard hurting anyone and worth stealing her money over? HOAs may have started as a good idea but they’re nearly always taken over by control freaks who get off on bossing people around and punishing any perceived challenges to their ‘authority.’
Oh and for “Because she is in a neighborhood with an HOA. It was her choice to live there, she knew the rules when she moved in as does any pony else who moves into that neighborhood.” Putting aside that many HOAs hide “Surprise, you’re in an HOA,” clauses in housing contracts, Twilight’s castle was created by a magical box from the Tree of Harmony, who probably didn’t give a crap about HOAs when when it placed it, so no, Twilight probably didn’t CHOOSE to be part of an HOA. If anything it was probably forced on her.
Lol! Dude, calm down. It’s a comic series. ;D In AT&F she clearly doesn’t live in the castle and lives in a neighborhood. Magic is highly toned down in AT&F. Moss is a problem for any neighbors because unless you stop it, it spreads and can be a big problem for all, involving having to take out entire lawns and starting over which cost lots of money. She’s in an HOA neighborhood, and there really is nothing more to this whole thing. She’s a part of it, she needs to follow the rules like every pony else. :D No one in this AT&F HOA seems crazy or unreasonable. They are just upholding their bylaws and giving Twilight plenty of time to fix the issue.
@Background Pony #4C9D
So you think it’s ok for people to be charged for something like not being obsessive about lawn care? How is having a mossy yard hurting anyone and worth stealing her money over? HOAs may have started as a good idea but they’re nearly always taken over by control freaks who get off on bossing people around and punishing any perceived challenges to their ‘authority.’
Oh and for “Because she is in a neighborhood with an HOA. It was her choice to live there, she knew the rules when she moved in as does any pony else who moves into that neighborhood.” Putting aside that many HOAs hide “Surprise, you’re in an HOA,” clauses in housing contracts, Twilight’s castle was created by a magical box from the Tree of Harmony, who probably didn’t give a crap about HOAs when when it placed it, so no, Twilight probably didn’t CHOOSE to be part of an HOA. If anything it was probably forced on her.
I’ve been thinking a long time as to why I like AT&F so much, and I think I figured it out. It isn’t full of cynical characters and no one is a villain. In fact, everyone is genuine and pretty nice to one another. If anyone has anything to add to my thought process, feel free to. Have a good day.
@Background Pony #4C9D
Twilight has the head of state on speed dial, I’m sure she could opt out of the HOA if she wanted to. It’s funny that’s she’s still in one and I like when Amethyst pops up in the series, but it’s still very very silly.
Because she is in a neighborhood with an HOA. It was her choice to live there, she new the rules when she moved in as does any pony else who moves into that neighborhood. She isn’t above the law.
@Lord WyrmSpawN
Probably right. Most commenters (from past, present, etc) clearly have no idea and think Twilight should be above the law and simply ignore them. I’ve even seen some say they that Twilight should destroy Amethyst for uploading the rules! How moronic! lol!
@Spiritus Arcane
Amethyst doesn’t deserve the hate she gets from so many people here. I see nothing that makes her bad. She’s doing her job and doing it well. Here she even shows Twilight what the moss is, she is giving her an early warning so they won’t have to fine her. In the past she provided Twilight with gardening companies to help her. I see no why people say mean things about Amethyst. She seems understanding and helpful.
Grass is bad for the environment?
Not really. We’ve seen they have a driveway, a garage, a shed, we see the front door a lot. The front door is oval shaped on the top like the old “Golden Oaks Library” door, but then changed to be rectangular. They have at least two floors, and the interior of the house seems quite contemporary with normal looking kitchen, rooms, bedrooms, bathroom, etc. We’ve seen houses within the neighborhood, such as Amethyst Star who is supposedly a next door neighbor, so I am willing to bed the house looks similar to Amethyst’s if they follow a specific neighborhood style.
Apparently people encountered the real world HOA and now treat a fictional version like it’s the exact same one they encountered.
Well, it looks like this comic hit a nerve.
Sounds like you’re talking about the real-life organization and not the one in this universe.
So you think it’s ok for people to be charged for something like not being obsessive about lawn care? How is having a mossy yard hurting anyone and worth stealing her money over? HOAs may have started as a good idea but they’re nearly always taken over by control freaks who get off on bossing people around and punishing any perceived challenges to their ‘authority.’
We can’t bother keeping ourselves fit, let alone take care of grass.
Twilight has the head of state on speed dial, I’m sure she could opt out of the HOA if she wanted to. It’s funny that’s she’s still in one and I like when Amethyst pops up in the series, but it’s still very very silly.
Because she is in a neighborhood with an HOA. It was her choice to live there, she new the rules when she moved in as does any pony else who moves into that neighborhood. She isn’t above the law.
Hoof bump in solidarity
Probably right. Most commenters (from past, present, etc) clearly have no idea and think Twilight should be above the law and simply ignore them. I’ve even seen some say they that Twilight should destroy Amethyst for uploading the rules! How moronic! lol!
I don’t think many people have firsthand experience with Home Owner Associations, which is probably a good thing.
I don’t get it either.
Amethyst doesn’t deserve the hate she gets from so many people here. I see nothing that makes her bad. She’s doing her job and doing it well. Here she even shows Twilight what the moss is, she is giving her an early warning so they won’t have to fine her. In the past she provided Twilight with gardening companies to help her. I see no why people say mean things about Amethyst. She seems understanding and helpful.