They probably plan to get other VAs for at least the mane 5. For secondary characters like this, it’s probably not a huge deal if they’re one-offs though. IMO, this is better than the way that the G4 movie incorporated celebrity VAs.
My only concern here is that they’re getting recognizable names to play characters for the movie. That doesn’t strike me as something you’d do if your planning a long run show. They might become unavailable or be two expensive.
In this case at least, this could just be a one-off character.
They probably plan to get other VAs for at least the mane 5. For secondary characters like this, it’s probably not a huge deal if they’re one-offs though. IMO, this is better than the way that the G4 movie incorporated celebrity VAs.
In this case at least, this could just be a one-off character.
More like a businessmare. Just look at her cutie mark.
I think she’s a businessmare because her cutie mark is a data trend.
So, she works for the pony CIA or something and that’s her badge?
It’s an ID card.
Edited because: Censorship