I know Cheerilee was annoyed by Twilight for not knowing how to use a computer but come on it’s not her fault that she’s coming from a alternate world were theirs no technology and thinking about this really reminds me when I was still in middle school 6 grade and was in computer class and the teacher was pretty mean and never really like her personality and when I started to get the computer I was in the middle of lecture until the computer just stop for some reason and I tried to exit the file but the computer won’t let me at this point so asked my computer science teacher to how I would I fixed the computer so I could start over with this article assignment that I’m been previously working on and she responds with an annoyed and sarcastic tone “How do you think how it works?” if I would know that I would not be asking her and I was so mad at her but lucky for me some student comes by and help me solve the problem with the computer and I was able to continue finishing my article assignment and I think him for it at least he’s generous enough to help someone in need and I think the reason my teacher doesn’t like me very much because I have a bit of disability and sometimes I can easily forget how to used a computer like Twilight Sparkle did!