First of all, the point of adoptables is that you’re paying for the design and not the art itself. The picture that comes with adopts are typically just references that the buyer can then commission/draw other art from.
Secondly, the artist can charge what they damn well please. Just because you can’t afford it doesn’t make it unethical.
I love it, I would adopt it, but look, you can’t charge 80 USD for a CHIBI. It’s unethical. 80 USD is like the price of a colored, shaded and lighted, hand drawn sketch with details and accessories not a flat colored chibi.
First of all, the point of adoptables is that you’re paying for the design and not the art itself. The picture that comes with adopts are typically just references that the buyer can then commission/draw other art from.
Secondly, the artist can charge what they damn well please. Just because you can’t afford it doesn’t make it unethical.