Oh shit. I just realized what’s about to happen. From an evolutionary standpoint a beak is like the equivalent of a bird’s teeth right? So I think her teeth is about to push themselves out of her mouth and form a griffon beak.
Like all birds, them birds have thicc juicy thighs. So it make sense to give this chicken with wings some mighty thighs or flanks in pony speak. XD
I’m pondering if the ass expansion was really necessary, but I won’t complain about it xD
Now for the most painful part of her transformation. The beak comming out of her throat.
That’s even more disturbing.
You see the bulge on her neck? That’s the beak making it’s way out of her throat.
I’m scared of how much sense that made to me xD
Like all birds, them birds have thicc juicy thighs. So it make sense to give this chicken with wings some mighty thighs or flanks in pony speak. XD
Now for the most painful part of her transformation. The beak comming out of her throat.