… and that’s the last old video that needed an HD publication.
The main reason I wanted a custom pathfinding solution was to allow enemies/allies to follow you even when doing some platforming.
Moving platforms are still a problem, although I have some hack-ish idea to handle them if it ever become really needed.
Dynamic obstruction is also there, even if doesn’t show in this video.
The way it work should even allow NPCs to decide whether to go around or run through hazards like firewalls or toxic clouds, depending on their health, resistances and how fast they need to get to the other side.
This is exactly the ‘Nam flashback I was hoping would go through everyone’s mind, not gonna lie.
The amount of thought being put into this is amazing. Flappy-bird flying might be funny, though. Space to jump, and every space after is a flap of your wings? Holding space allows you to glide. Stamina meter decreases with each flap, but gliding allows you to regain it in midair so long as you don’t flap?
I’m only bringing it up in case it makes flying feel more immersive. like maybe it feels weird to be rising like you’re connected by a winch to the top of the sky, or whatever. if it impacts difficulty of controlling the character then yeah, toss “realism” like a hot potato.
though you’re right, it might be a good idea to have a glide ability you can learn, that does the “sliding through the air” thing and goes faster than just butterfly fluttering your way there.
just please, pleas, please do not make it like this:
I intend for Pegasus players and NPCs to just be able to fly.
Although without investing in it at character creation you will be S1-Fluttershy-tier bad at it : can’t fly fast nor for long … just something you can potentially use for a tactical retreat or taking a shortcut.
Don’t think I will make it an accurate-ish bird flight simulation tho. Don’t want players to have to spend hours just mastering how to flap to a nearby roof.
Or maybe have those mechanics only kick in when you make a specialized flyer build.
So, in essence, what we see as flying is just falling with style?
they sure have reduced gravity in the show, when they’re literally hovering!
in general, fliers turn their downward speed into forward gliding, or compensate for it with calories by flapping. air resistance doesn’t slow their downward acceleration as much as it limits their maximum velocity. the least surface area to resist the air is in the direction of the blade of the wing, so that’s the way they “fall.”
thus, to be most realistic, they would fall slower, but also add a forward acceleration vector, as if they’re on a slide. and flapping nixes the forward acceleration, but provides impulse bursts of upward acceleration, not continuous upward acceleration, so they’d still fall downward (slowly) in-between wing beats.
not sure if that would be fucking impossible to control, though.
oh then there’s updrafts, but those are just zones of magical gravity reducing upward acceleration you run into.
oh I didn’t even make it in the door, don’t worry. vidya sucks anyway. I don’t want my full time job to be researching how to make people feel good about wasting their time and not having fun. I hope OP never has to work on shit like that. more cute fillies pathfinding to each other, less brain melting slot machine time wasters.
I mean, there isn’t really “game programing” It’s just general programing that’s applied to video games.
Or whatever, you deal with that shit, I’m glad I dropped out and never touched a game ever again! Stupid peer pressure bullshit…
it’s true that there’s kind of a blurry line between “this is just hard to learn, period,” and “let’s make this harder to learn, deliberately.” it’s cool if you found some decent education in game programming. I never had any luck.
Yeah… ok, whatever. They were amateur projects, of course, but it’s just a stepping stone.
I think terrible computer science classes are still very common. depends if you can afford to go to MIT or a chinzy city college. and it’s still possible to take a “this is totes a super duper game programming class, fellow cool kids” class and end up with this
Well, I got the spreadsheet part then the object programing came in and I was like “fuck that”.
According to sources they do have activities where they dive further into game programing and such things. How long was it since you were in school?
they had you programming pathfinding A.I. in an introductory computer class?
all they ever taught me was how to sort a spreadsheet.
Dude, I took computer classes.
I had 0 clue what I was doing.
yeah, but everyone has to figure that out every time, for every game studio. the public knowledge of those algorithms is kind of… mathy and esoteric. you start from here and then you pretty much just have to… figure it out yourself until it works. so it’s (still) a big accomplishment.
…it’s jumping. And getting over obstacles. Ain’t that video game 101?
they had to start from scratch just like everyone else. reinventing the wheel badly is a hallmark of all things closed source.
at least that’s why I think indie developers can show up even big name studios. nobody’s sharing any knowledge, so the industry never advances.
anyway, this is really impressive. knowing when to jump and how to get around hazards is really hard to get right, and this looks very natural.
OH that’s AI! I’m still used to the idea if that you stand on a rock the AI will be unable to get near you like in Skyrim. You’ve already done better than AAA games!