-A strange lady is offering you sweets. What do you do?
a)Tell a Grown Up
b)Take the sweets and say thank you.
c)Get in her white unmarked windowless van that inexplicably has Smash Ultimate and a wireless internet connection with 8 controllers and boxes Dunkaroos even though they’ve been discontinued since 2012…
d)Politely decline because you have celiac disease and you cannot eat that cupcake for the gluten in it will kill you.
The answer is. . .
e) you ARE the grown up and you give yourself permission to accept anything this strange lady is willing to offer you. . .ANYTHING SHE’S WILLING TO GIVE YOU
I feel I need to make another pattern for that getup Pinkie’s wearing, or adjust the color of her makeup. I did go for making it look loud, clashing, and colorful. . but I think I may have gone too far.
Well I was the one who created it. Also, I don’t like having my stuff posted places without my consent. As the guy who created it, I think I have the right to decide when and where I want my creations to be posted. This goes for MOST creators out there.
Not many artists or content creators like other randos posting their works elsewhere without permission.
If she’s offering herself to you then, you CAN eat her. Why wouldn’t you?
I’ll bet she tastes like bubblegum cupcakes!