I like the ideas that either there could be other “secondary” elements or that the elements of harmony don’t always Represent honesty, generosity, laughter, friendship, kindness, and loyalty, but can represent other “harmonic” concepts
None. There’s magic for twilight, loyalty for rainbow, honesty for applejack, laughter for pinkie, kindness for fluttershy, generosity for rarity, forgiveness for sunset, justices/empathy for starlight and last, but not least humility for trixie. I mean. Haven’t you seen the comic where the mane six go to the parallel universe where sombra is a good king?
So that’s 20 up top, 100 to its right, 50 in the middle, 10 to its right, 5 in the lower left, and 1 in the lower right… Truly, a display to make Link drool.
None. There’s magic for twilight, loyalty for rainbow, honesty for applejack, laughter for pinkie, kindness for fluttershy, generosity for rarity, forgiveness for sunset, justices/empathy for starlight and last, but not least humility for trixie. I mean. Haven’t you seen the comic where the mane six go to the parallel universe where sombra is a good king?
From a comment on the DA source:
But that doesn’t help