Piranha Plant, Inkling, Isabelle and K.Rool belong to Nintendo
Simon Belmont belongs to Konami
Our newest Smashers are gathered for a celebration breakfast to get them to introduce each other.
Piranha brought extra pancakes and also a surprise! The others are surprised that a plant is joining their newcomer breakfast. Yet, we love him anyways.
Oh my god! Tommorow’s the day that the new Smash game releases!
This is what you meant?
Perhaps, but he has some bird-like qualities too.
Wouldn’t it make more sense to make him a dragon?
I think I like Ridley better as a griffin then a pony.
You didn’t get the joke.
The artist already drew Ridley in another piece.
Heavy breathing intensifies
““Never ask for anything again.[](https://clips.twitch.tv/KitschyTubularTurnipDansGame)
I might celebrate with some after getting my copy!