To anyone whom personally likes the ending, I have no beef with you. I have no right to tell you what to like and to not like, as much as you have the same regarding yours truly.
That being said, the ending is still a C- in an objective sense. Granted, there are a lot of interesting ideas at play, it’s just that they’re handled and delivered in a really sloppy way.
Check out MrBtongue and smudboy on youtube to see what I mean.
Sorry but my perfect Mass Effect 3 ending involves the Cricible turning out to be a massive interdimensional beacon and when it activates, a certain blue police box appears right in front of the Reaper fleet. The door opens and out pops the time lord we all know and love. He activates his sonic screwdriver and all the Reapers across the galaxy suddenly explode. The good Doctor then says “Right, that’s that one sorted” and then he leaves.
The epilogue then reveals either Male Shepard having babies with Liara, Ashley, Jack, Miranda AND Tali (score), or Female Shepard becoming queen of the galaxy and mating with dozens of Asari. (Why? Because I say so.)
That being said, the ending is still a C- in an objective sense. Granted, there are a lot of interesting ideas at play, it’s just that they’re handled and delivered in a really sloppy way.
Check out MrBtongue and smudboy on youtube to see what I mean.
Cause Im not really a fan of the game.
Plays pong on atari 2600.
The epilogue then reveals either Male Shepard having babies with Liara, Ashley, Jack, Miranda AND Tali (score), or Female Shepard becoming queen of the galaxy and mating with dozens of Asari. (Why? Because I say so.)
Otherwise, excellent art.
Also, Trotsky; I will kill you in your sleep for that Description!