Since the Turn of the Millennium, it’s more or less universal that Christmas merchandise will take over as soon as the Halloween stuff is moved to clearance (though many grocery stores try to reserve at least some display space for Thanksgiving). And even when Halloween has the main “seasonal” aisles,
Applejack: “I like what I please, and I don’t care what anyone thinks.”
Is it like here in the Philippines that Christmas season starts in September?
Since the Turn of the Millennium, it’s more or less universal that Christmas merchandise will take over as soon as the Halloween stuff is moved to clearance (though many grocery stores try to reserve at least some display space for Thanksgiving). And even when Halloween has the main “seasonal” aisles,
Prior to The ‘80s, the Christmas retail season in the U.S. didn’t start until after Thanksgiving Day
They Ben doing it since the 80s
You can never be too early for Christmas! Hallo-what? (Philippines)
“But I usually come around at the first of November!”