You’re the secret hero of Derpibooru! A symbol of freedom and honesty; driving us to improve and grow, protecting us from scourge of mediocrity 1 and allowing your sisters to truly shine! 2
1When we actually use score thresholds 2Hide Image doesn’t count; she’s your cousin :3
You’re the secret hero of Derpibooru! A symbol of freedom and honesty; driving us to improve and grow, protecting us from scourge of mediocrity 1 and allowing your sisters to truly shine! 2
1 When we actually use score thresholds2 Hide Image doesn’t count; she’s your cousin :3
oh okay false alarm
Mass protest against a bad change more than panic.
Wasn’t that the day that the site removed downvoting, and panic ensued.
24th July 17’ never forgetti~ xD
Besides, we already know from experience (that I had nothing to do with) that the site is worse off without downvotes. They’re a necessity.
But here you’re only supposed to be used to tell an artist that their art is bad.
You know, to preserve their feelings.
To deny the option of refusing is a paradox.
Downvote stays.
It can be an expression of unmoved distaste for a particular look.
It can an indicator to encourage one’s art.
A downvote let’s us know that nothing is perfect, nor should it be.
A downvote means many things, constructive and contemplative.
A downvote is a stern but polite a form of communication,
always important to express.