Rumble got into a really deep depression after being severely insulted by Button Mash, breaking up with Sweetie Belle after being with her for about 5 years, being told that button is a better colt for her, he decide to commit suicde for this after all of this, the hate towards him, saying that he’s not cute anymore, and not getting another fillyfriend. So he grabbed a gun and put a bullet in the chamber, realoads it, and then put it in his mouth. Then he pulled the trigger and shot himself to death. To get out of this “hell” as he calls it.
@Background Pony #8347
the best part of it that wraps all of this up is, that’s the guy who posted it, if he didn’t want anyone making fun of it, then he should have made sure that his picture was good enough to be used to talk about serious things like suicide, instead of a crappy ms paint looking photoshop edit, if you don’t want people to laugh at it, then make it look good instead of a lazy attempt to try and show there own personal problems to everyone on the site.
Pfft! Whatever you say. Besides Rumble is going through hell and can’t stand the hate he is getting plus y’all are being mean to him and it just gets me triggered easily.
Trust me I know what depression is. You’re just acting like Leni Loud from the Loud House. And trust me, trying to commit suicide, suicidal thoughts, crying, feeling down are all signs of
This picture really is. Look at how bad it is… Come on how can you not laugh.
Anyway its not even suicide since he cant pull the trigger with a hoof that wont fit.
Even the description is funny. Its utterly terrible and clearly written by a child that has no idea what depression is actually like.
It’s not hilariou! I mean if you find this picture “hilarious” I’m personally ok with it, but it’s not funny no matter what.
You have no right to tell anyone to “take a chill pill” when you are the one getting salty about a crap picture of a pony holding a gun that is nearly as big as he is and is completely unable to pull the trigger.
Suicide is not funny but this picture is hilarious.
and yea, I am, you would be mad too if you ever had the misfortune of meeting one.
not really, that’s what everyone who has ever met an sjw would say, lets just say they are the kinds of people who doxx other people, which if you don’t know what that means, it basically means when someone leaks out a persons address and stuff, not to mention many other things that are illegal but they don’t care, you would know an sjw if you ever meet one, they are pretty much someone who will piss you off no matter what you do.
You have a problem of some kind? Because you need to calm down an take a chill pill.
U mad?
basically a social justice warrior, they pretty much believe that there way that something should be, is the only way something should be, pretty much borderline anarchists that are very horrible. you don’t want to be with them, due to the fact that they are so hate filled, they even hate each other.
get out while you still have your dignity and basic human decency.
What is even a sjw anyway?
to all sjw’s, leave this website and never return.
Who do you think you are Logan Paul?! Suicide is NOT funny. It’s devastating. Why would you ever say something like that to my most favorite character from the show.
personally, I find it hilarious.
Also this is top notch levels of cringe.