Twilight:No! is you is Problem! you think only pony is good and the rest is evil! well you are WORNG! plus your job is on education! not security! the way do make enemy with all creature! you think i am the one make equestria in danger? you are worng! every creature got right! yes some are not so friendly first but we do nothing those miss guided creature will make equestria in danger! and why? BECAUSE OF PONY LIKE YOU!!!!(she use her canterlot voice)…… if i fond you try to destroy my school , my reputation or my students, i will make you pay for it! but if try fond you do something evil, i will make sure you lose your job and set you in the same place were i put tirek and i will remove all magic in you to make sure tirek dont take fond you! so you two talk togeter for a very long time! so stop make enemy with all creature, is this way you make equestria! I TRY TO MAKE PEACE TO THIS LAND BY CELESTIA SAKE! WE DONT NEED A WAR! THIS IS WHAT YOU DO RIGHT NOW! US ALICORN PRINCESS WORK HARD TO PROTECT THE LAND BY SHOW PEACE BUT YOU MAKE ENEMY! IS NOT A SURPRICE WE GOT ENEMY! IS PONY LIKE YOU RUIN ALL THE HARD WORK! YOU KNOW NOTHING OF THE MAGIC OF FRIENDSHIP! THANKS TO YOU IS NOW MORE HARD MAKE PEACE! THE WAR IS VERY CLOSE IF ME AND MY A NOT FOND MY STUDENTS YOU HURT ON THIER HEART! SO WATCH WHAT YOU SAY OR DO , IF YOU DONT? IS JAIL GOT IT?(she use canterlot voice again)
Neighsay: I hope you’re happy, Twilight Sparkle. You’ve destroyed this country! Equestria is dead! Where will everypony get their protection from these creatures now?! The attacks and invasions will only get worse BECAUSE OF YOU!!!
I think he is just an unpleasant guy. I mean, even before the whole issue, it is evident he is sort of an idiot. Even the way he interpreted Twilight Sparkle’s proposal implies he is narrow minded.
@raakamagna Me too, but after rewatching the episode I find a lot of loopholes in the story form him not to be a “racist/speciest” and just another case of failed communication.”
@Background Pony #F578
It kind of did… Not siding with him because insulting allies is retarded, but what he saw was a group of foreign juvenile delinquents and a thing that looked a lot like a bugbear. Ponies and bugbears are enemies.
He believed they were under attack, and his clearly paranoid behavior found such incident unacceptable, because they scared him, and it was not even a real attack.
Probably he would have been less upset were it a real invasion.
Unless the guidelines specifically said ponies only, Twilight actually wouldn’t have to. Remember, Princess Celestia herself allowed this. It’s literally not illegal to integrate them.
Even Neighsay through the episode could not say it was because of the foreign students he was shutting the school down. It was just heavily hinted by him that them not being ponies was what caused all the problems that day.
Twilight: “Did I just speak old Ponish or something? I literally said my goal. Are you even listening? You’re not listening are you? You just stamped that without listening, didn’t you?”
…You do remember that this is a species with weather control, crazy magic spells (especially crazy magic spells), and the power to be a normal pony?
And who would think a school that she point blank says is about understanding and cooperation with other species would be seen as an issue to have other species enrolled?
“At least I didn’t need to steal a pearl.”
I think he is just an unpleasant guy. I mean, even before the whole issue, it is evident he is sort of an idiot. Even the way he interpreted Twilight Sparkle’s proposal implies he is narrow minded.
It’s not. I’m not saying it is.
The problem is that he sends the message that it’s because they aren’t ponies this happened rather than because they were delequents.
Me too, but after rewatching the episode I find a lot of loopholes in the story form him not to be a “racist/speciest” and just another case of failed communication.”
I fear the kind of school such a narrow minded man would lead.
That is a problem many new programs fail.
lack of communication.
It is the first of a kind school.
I wonder if the “other school of friendship” from the synopsis is actually Chancelor Neighsay´s. “SEE Pincess, this is how you run a school.”
It kind of did… Not siding with him because insulting allies is retarded, but what he saw was a group of foreign juvenile delinquents and a thing that looked a lot like a bugbear. Ponies and bugbears are enemies.
He believed they were under attack, and his clearly paranoid behavior found such incident unacceptable, because they scared him, and it was not even a real attack.
Probably he would have been less upset were it a real invasion.
Unless the guidelines specifically said ponies only, Twilight actually wouldn’t have to. Remember, Princess Celestia herself allowed this. It’s literally not illegal to integrate them.
Even Neighsay through the episode could not say it was because of the foreign students he was shutting the school down. It was just heavily hinted by him that them not being ponies was what caused all the problems that day.
And that is is Twilights fault, because….?
if she had pointed that out.
She did not mentioned other creatures until she revealed it to her friends (not counting Celestia).
Neighsay merely heard what he wanted to. He heard school and thought a school for ponies.
Twilight: “Did I just speak old Ponish or something? I literally said my goal. Are you even listening? You’re not listening are you? You just stamped that without listening, didn’t you?”
And who would think a school that she point blank says is about understanding and cooperation with other species would be seen as an issue to have other species enrolled?
Neighsay: Are you comparing your adventeurs with teaching foals?