@Background Pony #6271
I don’t know about that, but that video immediately reminded me of Colonel H. Stinkmeaner. A pegesus version of him would be perfect for anti-kindness.
The food critic pretty much blackmailed and bullied every restaurant to cook the way she wanted. While the chancellor pretty much is a racist that openly thinks the borders should be protected from non-ponies. I don’t believe racism is part of his job description. And he is the head of the educational system. Can you imagine him at the head of such a system? He doesn’t want non-ponies to get taught so maybe there is a reason why Equestria is heavely populated by ponies and pretty much nothing else.
“Former queen”
And if Neighsay was the only one not driven by “It’s all about me”.
He was also the pony that tried to extort Fluttershy over a cherry. I couldn’t find a good image of that that shows him as a pegesus.
A boss angry about his employee destroying property? I don´t think he is mean enough.
>>1273907t (merged)
I don’t know about that, but that video immediately reminded me of Colonel H. Stinkmeaner. A pegesus version of him would be perfect for anti-kindness.
We really don’t do we?
I feel it’ll be leading up to this:
Not old enough. Plus it needs to be a counterpart for Fluttershy.
Too young.
We already do, his name is garble.
… And we need a counterpart for Spike too.
The food critic pretty much blackmailed and bullied every restaurant to cook the way she wanted. While the chancellor pretty much is a racist that openly thinks the borders should be protected from non-ponies. I don’t believe racism is part of his job description. And he is the head of the educational system. Can you imagine him at the head of such a system? He doesn’t want non-ponies to get taught so maybe there is a reason why Equestria is heavely populated by ponies and pretty much nothing else.