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Someone asked me to upload this for archival purposes. Why not? :P
not provided yet
You have to ask for it is the badge thread :D
You’d have to thank ArmadilloEater; he’s the one who actually made it a thing :P
you know I don’t think I’ve said it yet and I know I’m a bit late, but thank you! love mah new badge~
>checks profile
That was fast.
If you get five duck badges, take your golden duck one. XD
xD You don’t think that I know a STANDARD duck badge is bad biz? UNOFFICIALLY there is no GOLD duck badge, which could represent something ENTIRELY DIFFERENT.
I’d like that badge to nothing pedo/sexual stuff
Y’know, that golden Sweetie Belle totally would make for a pretty good badge :D
It’s better the golden pony. A duck badge actuallt is a punishment
If you ever unlock them all, you should get a golden duck badge for littering the badges section. xD
Golden Duck: Gained all badges including secret ones.
I didn’t even think I’d count for this one. I mostly designed it because a friend of mine wanted an author’s badge.
When I heard the criteria though I asked if the stories I’ve written in the descriptions of some of my images counted, and lo and behold :P
Save your life?
>tfw can’t write to save my life

your current filter.I like the badge’s design a lot, though.
russian, if you curious.
Edited because: watermelons everywhere
Which is. . . ?
Hear hear!

your current filter.