No, no, I get you. Ponies will ask that even in stupid situations. That Princess Tempora has an upwards of seventy-percent chance of answering with a rant about time and loneliness doesn’t affect that.
“Are you alright?”
She asks.
She asks the deity slowly crumbling to dust as her power is both running rampant and decaying at an accelerated rate.
Good lord Twilight, ask a question that’ll help.
Ah, my mistake. X3
The first one was Luna, the second Celestia.
They mistakenly gave the title of Princess of Time to an idiot. Which proved to be a hilarious decision. ;D
“No, just for a millennium.”
cuz NMM killed chrysalis on page 73
luna: “I hate time travel…”
Heh, yeah, Xehanort is better at concise exposition than Tempora. >w<
No, no, I get you. Ponies will ask that even in stupid situations. That Princess Tempora has an upwards of seventy-percent chance of answering with a rant about time and loneliness doesn’t affect that.
I know but the trope is so annoying…
Eh, the first comment was supposed to be more comedic in tone but text makes that heard to get across.
Considering Tempora’s track record regarding answering questions, Princess Twilight’s attempt here is as good as any.
She asks.
She asks the deity slowly crumbling to dust as her power is both running rampant and decaying at an accelerated rate.
Good lord Twilight, ask a question that’ll help.
Why don’t Crysalis or Tirek use their Chance?