“Changeling Royal Guard ready for duty”
This Changeling is the same Changeling that appeared in comic “Changeling’s Scout And The Book Of Daring Do” => http://vavacung.deviantart.com/gallery/52933664/Changeling-Scout-And-The-Book-Of-Daring-Do
5 naughty versions and 1 long loop naughty animation can be found early on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/vavacung
In like fourteen separate continuities devised by Loveless, changelings are allies who aid ponies with any extra hooves, disguising themselves for the task at hoof including being royal guards or construction ponies, and more often than not to do it. ;D
Bumped my pledge on patreon, hope to see more great art from you in 2017!