Available interviwees:
Mane six
Royal sisters
Nightmare Moon
Big Mac
All of the CMC
Derpy Hooves
Cadance / Shining Armor
Note: I’m most likely not finishing this today. Something has happened and I’m pretty busy sorting things out… Maybe I’ll finish it, maybe not. Tomorrow it’ll be there for sure.
8 hours later and I still have no idea what to ask. I could ask Rainbow Dash if she has any questions for me… cuz I got nothing but how would CS handle that? Also I’m trying avoid overdoing on asking things relating to a rainbow maned pegasus.
Princess Celestia: So, has Equestria dealt with that green dragon in the Everfree Forest yet? That thing was way more vicious than full-grown Spike or the red dragon, and it came pretty close to wasting Spike, not to mention Twilight Sparkle.
@Shining Armor
What do you think is the best way for an earth pony like to take down an enemy unicorn? I have my own idea but I like to know what you think.
I am at a complete loss as to what to ask on this one. Too many choices. I do have a gift to give Rainbow Dash but I’m not exactly sure what to ask her.
I’ve got a question for princess Celestia; What’s your favorite kind of music? Mine’s metal, specifically, anything by The Scorpions, Nightwish, Megadeth, etc.
Princess Luna/Rainbow Dash/anyone who can answer: Are there Pegasi who control the weather during the night? If so, are they like Luna’s royal guards in appearance?
Dear Nightmare Moon: What would you say if I knew a connection who could get you to the Gliese 581 system. All six of its planets have a permanent night side, and the sun there is very cool, red, and dim. If you invest in travel there, I gurantee you’ll see your assets triple by the end of this budget cycle. You interested?
Princess Luna: Swiftly! Our village is under attack by grotesque creatures of the dark! Our people need your help, Lady of the Night, to banish these evil creatures elsewhere!
Twilight: I need a spellbook about Hell and Death-related magic. Not that I want to kill somepony, I want to retrieve an item from Tartaros for a project.
What do you think is the best way for an earth pony like to take down an enemy unicorn? I have my own idea but I like to know what you think.
I was wondering if you would like to see the butterfly migration this year?
Go on, CS. Indulge yourself. ;)
Celestia: The word on the streets is that Discord is trying to strike again soon. Is his stone prison really secure?