But in time she leaves, but not before holding the book she had been preparing for as long as she could remember, that she was going to share with him on his birthday.
She stares at it, for what seems like an eternity, before dropping it into a slowly building puddle. Sunset does not look back as she bolts down the street, eyes blinding in the rain.
Yes. It could only be the rain.
>Sunset Shimmer
>platonically attracted to Twilight
Friend, please. What is this crazy speak?
It goes away after 15 minutes to keep people from being cutesy.
there is no edit button for anon, atleast none the i see.
There is an edit button now. It only works on your last comment, however, so it’s a good idea to do a quick proofread.
Well, I kept it ambiguous for the purpose of letting people fill in the blanks as to whoever dumping Sunset in this way would rack up the feels points most. XD
oh. I saw the book and thought twilight.
The description speaks of a male. Whether Flash or Dusk Shine, though, is not specified.
Last time YOU checked, maybe. XD
Then again, I do ship Dusk Shine x Sunset on occasion, and I can see Sunset becoming romantically attached to Dusk in much the same way she became platonically attached to Twilight…and I can also see Dusk being significantly more of a social wreck who would do something like this.
she is depicted as having a relation with sunset…..
she does have a very heartbroken and depressed look on her face. I just hope twi doesn’t rub it in.
Princess Twilight is not male last I checked.
I was thinking Flash, but fucking OUCH, that’s even worse.