The tale of the cloud pony is she just really wanted to be a weather pony and help out, you know? Trouble is when she asked, they said “no, you’re not good enough to be a weather pony. You just make rain; we want ponies who get other rainclouds and reposition them so their rain comes here.” So she set out to prove she was good enough by seeking out others who need rain. The first target recipient of her generosity was this gentleman who looked rather hot and parched.
Get a smart phone pone. They’re waterproof :D
That’s a REAL good way to get a butt full of lightning from a scared raindigo though :D
Because you SUCK! Teehee!
Raincloud Pony… Hero to all.
It’s fine, we love you too. Heck, I have fun taking playful jabs at Americans, and receiving them in turn!
Huh, nice to meet a Texan! =P
Heh, I just grew up with a lot of bad stuff so I don’t take a lot of stuff for granted.
Well if there mothers are even an 8th as scary and tough as the one Canadian I know…
I mean, just getting their kids to school in the morning must involve battling hellish snowstorms and bears.
(With apologies to Canadians; I love you guys I do!)
And then eventually it’s revealed that Badumsquish is actually a middle-aged Canadian school-mother~
You keep dropping these little glimpses into your life and past. I find the fact that you’re a gay black man from “a ghetto in the most racist state in the US” and still managed to turn into a friendly and ?happy individual inspiring.
Yeah, unfortunately.
Nope. I grew up in a ghetto in the most racist state in the US. Winnie the Pooh wasn’t something I got to spend time with, unfortunately.
you really don’t know the winnie the pooh raincloud bit?
here ya go
I youtubed the scene, but there’s not really any particularly name-worthy lines. Sterling Holloway’s voice is still pure distilled tranquility, though.
I’m unfamiliar with it, unfortunately. Got an example?
Also I would suggest naming her in a way that makes reference to Whinny the Pooh disguising himself as a raincloud.
I’m disapointed they’re not literal clouds :(
Clouds are water, so it’s probably more akin to melting. Though you might be able to feed her chocolate milk and get chocolate rain.
And I like “raindigo” as a species name.
For the record I would have pounced on it if it wasn’t taken already.
…Where the hell were you when the Cloudsdale Weather Factory blew up last year?! We all could’ve used you back then!
Wait whoops added a space where there shouldn’t have been please ignore my previous comment.
Try searching “oc: silver lining” which is what this would be tagged as.