So yeah, basically this is supposed to be a parody crossover thing between the said movie AND another highschool-related movie, Equestria Girls. Twilight Sparkle would be in the role of the main protagonist Cady Heron, and all three Dazzlings would take the role of the ” The Plastics” (more specifically, Sonata Dusk as Karen Smith, the dumb one, Adagio Dazzle as Regina George, the evil one, and Aria as Gretchen Weiners, the snotty one). I’m not exactly sure who would parody the other characters…but since this is just a parody concept I wouldn’t take it so seriously
That’s mean.
I will. XD
You’re almost too forgetful to function.
Go watch the film again, it’s so quotable.
The absolute truth.
I’m out of comebacks.
Yes, most certainly.
(Not a quote, just the truth)
Aria: You mean the ipecac? Of course.
Are you loco in the coco?
I’ve got the answer to all your problems. Kälteen bars, they make you lose weight, like that. Snaps fingers
How could you? I’m on an all carb diet, you moron…. butter is a carb right?
Wanna go to Taco Bell?
That’s so not fetch.
Mean Girls was awesome.
Rainbow Rocks was awesome.
Go watch them back to back and see the similaritys (Because all highschool films are basically the same weather they have humans or technicolour pony-humans)
OH MY GOD BlasingDazzlingDusk, you cant just ask them why they aren’t ponies!
He’s not even a pony and I don’t like dogs.
Spike is best pony!
Good riddance. He’ll keep running forever.
Poor Spike :(
The limit does not exist.
Good bye Spike….
Throws the stick a mile away
Stop trying to make fetch happen…. and throw the stick so Spike can fetch it.