Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Shiny Bug
“Not a lot yet, just that she was on an operation to take this castle out.” Meetra said. “Interrogating her will not be easy. It seems that she said she can die at will, which means that she might end herself before we extract much information from her. That being said… I could try to break into her mind and take information by force. There won’t be much of her left afterwards.”
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Crystal Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.

Let’s go gambling!
“I’m not so sure this is safe or not. Should I alert anyone of the danger? Or should I just keep silent. I’m more than willing to do either one if you want”, Empire said. He also added, “And would it be too much if I helped. I think we could use an extra set of hooves and eyes.”
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Thread Starter - Emergency: Equestria. (potentially NSFW)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

loves a Demon
freddie reverts to vigilante.
“one of a few reasons i like the transformation so much, it gave me a voice that doesn’t come from a circuit board, not to disparage dad’s work but it’s different. Manhattan was an alright place, all in all, but i was surrounded by people, and somehow still alone, not neglected but still… waking up in this weird ponyland… a stranger with nothing to his name… and somehow i’m happier here than i ever was back home.”
Vigil: “well, i said it all already. But weren’t we here about a different visitor?”
???: “you were indeed, apprentice of ours.”
another shape steps up, striking most of all were the eyes and black coat as well as the starry nebula cloud forming her mane.
“I am Moon, princess Luna’s other and i must apologize for my appearance to you, Shelly, the connection was… kind of bad.”
Whistler: “that or she will cooperate fully, commandos are never really given context to the orders they get, so even the best can at most get that much from them. Kane expects the likes of her to listen to any order, be it setting off an aurora bomb in a crowded intersection or blasting the head off a newborn. And they do, no hesitation.”
Twilight: “The offer is appreciated, but i don’t think it is needed.”

Shelly took a step back from initial fear
Shelly: <<You…you look so…frightening! Why would you watch over others in such a horrific form?! Had I not later known that my time asleep was a result of self-denial, I would’ve thought some terrible creature was corrupting my dream!!!>>
D!Shelly: <<Maybe we should calm down and discuss this like normal Inklings…or ponies, in this case?>>

Stranaii looks back to the unconscious commando and has a thought
Stranaii: “Perhaps you should let me do the honors”
Gerald: “What?
Stranaii: “You say she proves to die willingly…but she has to be conscious to do that”
Gerald: “What are you trying to-?
Stranaii: “In my realm, when one proves to be uncooperative in sharing knowledge in the conscious world, they must be put to sleep so that the other is able to access…the subconscious
Gerald: “Wait, you’re seriously not planning-?!
He puts a hoof to the commando’s head
Gerald: “How long have you kept this ability away from not just me but the others?!
Stranaii chuckles
Stranaii: “Longer than you think”
Unveiling his long hidden ability, an almost gaseous purple aura began emanating around himself. Sure enough, a second aura began forming around the unconscious commando as well. The Deltas, finishing their explosive defusal work, turn to see some strange glows around the two
Night Hunter (Boss): “What the hell is he doing?!”
Stranaii: “Goooooooood…now then, Mr Dalton, shall we delve into her mind and see what awaits us?”
Gerald: “You sick freak, what do you think you’re-!”
Before he could finish, he and Stranaii’s mental selves dived into the mind of Bloodrose so they could find the information they were looking for. In the outside world, a bubble of energy formed and surrounded the two. No doubt a safety measure by the former Star Emperor to keep others from interrupting
Thunder Force (Scorch): “What am I looking at sir?”
Night Hunter (Boss): “If I had a guess, Scorch…I think Mr Dalton’s ‘friend’ has finally revealed his own power…”

Matias: “After the chaos that happened earlier, and the previous day, think its safe to say that at least everyone in the surrounding area knows about the danger. Just glad the civilians were evacuated before DYNAMO, that giant robot Twilight mentioned earlier, caused too much damage”
Blossom: “The big question now is ‘how did it end up here?’”
Utonium: “And whether its our DYNAMO or one from a different universe?”
Matias: As I mentioned civilians earlier, a thought came to my attention “Sure hope Shelly and Vigil are alright. I wonder where they are, currently?” I noticed that Buttercup turned to Plant Man
Buttercup: “Well, since we’re mentioning things, didn’t you and the quick dude have a match set later?”
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Shiny Bug
Meetra sat back and watched, quite curious about this power. Regardless if it were her or someone else, as long as someone was able to get to the bottom of this, she was satisfied.

“Yes, against Quick Man.” Plant Man said. “Though, to be honest… Something worries me.”
“Do you think he will defeat you?” Texty asked.
Plant Man shook his head. “No. I am confident in my capabilities. I did not become a finalist in the first World’s Robot Tournament from luck. It’s something else. I wonder if this may truly be more of a prelude to something more. Rarely is it just one rogue Robot Master…”

”…You sure are cocky, Quick. He’ll be ready for you.”
“And I’ll destroy him. I’ve seen his capabilities. I’m not impressed.”
“Well I just want to get started NOW!”
“Even I’m more patient that you. The plan is to wait, and wait we will.”
“Quick is right. We cannot attack until He is ready.”
“They will burn. They shall all burn.”
“These dumb horses won’t know what hit them…”
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Crystal Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.

Let’s go gambling!
“So… You don’t need or want any help?” Empire asked. “This situation sounds serious and a very treacherous one.” Just then, Empore could hear voices in his ear. He closely listened for a moment. But he didn’t think much about it, since he hears voices in his head all the time.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Thread Starter - Emergency: Equestria. (potentially NSFW)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

loves a Demon
the nightmare shifts, to a much more motherly looking shape the next moment, looking like an old Mare with a mane of stars and a grandmotherly kindness.
“as the princess of dreams the appearance of me ever shifts, and the warrior nightmare moon is much better suited to clash with someone’s inner demons. your connection to this world was new, raw… and very shaky. it’s like when someone speaks a different language, it may seem much more threatening than they mean to be.”
she settles down.
“i can only apologize for the distress i caused you, dearie.”
WHistler: “well… this will either be a literal mess, or a metaphoric one, depending on wether her head explodes… i’m gonna have to report all this to the princess now, just… make sure no one gets stabbed here, alright?”

in the mind of the commando the star emperor would find that it was a fortress with open gates, leading to sooo many death traps in its depths.
Echo: “now my dearest rose, you are from here, one of the biggest reasons i trust you, like all commandos i give you what you need to know for your missions without context, context does not aid you, but if you get captured it would be a boon to your enemies. escort the colt back to town, any of the leaders of this EDI army are targets of opportunity, but don’t compromise your mission. when you are done make yourself visible in canterlot, there you will receive instructions again.”
Twilight: “umm… are you quite alright sir? you seem… spaced out.”

Gerald found himself lying on some sterile floor. He held a hand to his face…wait, a hand? He checked himself over, noticing he had become a human again in this mental realm
Gerald: “Well, nice of you to give me this comfort at least…”
Stranaii didn’t respond, too busy observing the fortress ahead of him. Gerald got up from the ground and looked around the area that was surrounding the stronghold. He then turned in the Star Emperor’s direction and found something he recognized
Gerald: “Hold up a minute…isn’t tha-”
Stranaii turns around to him
Stranaii: “Relax, gullible fool, I am still myself. This form you see, minus the species appearance, suited the elegant ways of my past life”
Gerald took a breath of relief. He thought he was dealing with a straight up RPG villain
Gerald: “Well, you certainly got a flair for the theatrics. Let me guess? Looked through my previous internet history with Star Wars: The Old Republic, didn’t you?”
Stranaii: “Let us not be distracted with unimportant matters. This ‘castle’ before us is no doubt laden with defenses considering the nature of the person involved”
The Star Emperor turned around and took a few steps forward
Stranaii: “Stick with me, Mr Dalton. We have many traps to encounter before we find what we seek”
With that, the two of them proceed up to the fortress; Stranaii walking confidently while Gerald cautiously followed on behind him

In the physical world, the Deltas acknowledged Whistler’s order and stood guard over the bubble that surrounded Bloodrose and Gerald/Stranaii
Thunder Force (Scorch): “Never thought I’d be dealing with this many powerful entities this past week”
Fang Hunter (Sev): “What’s the matter, Scorch? Feeling scared?”
Rapid Haste (Fixer): “Knock it off, Sev. This situation is serious”
Night Hunter (Boss): “Right, Fixer. Whatever happens next, Squad, we’d best be prepared”
Scorch looked in the direction of Meetra, who was observing the bubble herself
Thunder Force (Scorch): “You ever see something this powerful in your previous life?”

Shelly looked away and thought back on the events that led her up to this moment; the confusion, the horror and the denial. She shed a tear before then turning back to the Night Princess
Shelly: <<No…it’s not your fault…I should’ve been better than this. I should’ve been the one to be more strong in the event of being stranded in general, let alone in another dimension>>
D!Shelly: <<Well, to be fair, this was dropped on top of us suddenly>>
Shelly: <<Still, I should’ve taken the situation with a bit more acceptance. Recoiling in horror at the sight of newfound species, denying a part of myself in this new realm when there was no need for such a thing…it did no wonders for my physical health, nevermind my mental…>>
She trots up to the Lunar Princess and takes a look back at the two Vigils
Shelly: <<In the end, you and Vigi-…Freddie were only trying to help me. You saw the distress I was in and came to my aid. You were letting me know that there was nothing to be scared of, nothing to be in self denial about…it was all going to be okay in the end…and you knew that>>
She looks back at the Guardian of Dreams and smiled at her
Shelly: <<And for that, I thank you>>
She was about hug her when she had a thought
Shelly: <<Heh, forgot you’re not physically here>>

Matias: “Considering the major escalation over these past two days, I wouldn’t put it past it being yet ANOTHER grand scheme by some far off villains…” I soon hear the newcomer pony say something while also mumbling to themselves and groaned in annoyance “Oh please don’t tell me you have some entity stuck inside your mind as well?”
Buttercup: Deadpan eyes “We also still haven’t learned their name when they came in…”
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Shiny Bug
“I’ve seen much power within my time. Those that can take any wound and survive on hatred alone, those that can consume the life force of entire worlds, those with silver tongues that can shape the world to their liking… And yet I bested them all. Whether this one is beyond even that, I have yet to see…” Meetra said. She looked upon the Troopers in thought. “…While perhaps not gifted in these overt displays of power, there is one I have come across, a soldier carrying many scars, gifted in the art of battle, currently a pony but was once not, just like you. He is not sensitive to The Force, but he may yet prove a powerful ally. I suspect you may get along with him.”

“Well, if he tries anything…” Plant Man said, unsure.
“He’s not hostile, at least of yet.” Texty said.
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Crystal Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.

Let’s go gambling!
Empire looked around for any pony saying anything. Nothing yet.
EJ: I heard voices in the distance. Might’ve been me. I hear voices in my head all the time.
Just then, he heard Matias and Buttercup.
EJ: I can hear voices but I think it’s just me. Nothing major though. And have I not introduced myself yet?
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Thread Starter - Emergency: Equestria. (potentially NSFW)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

loves a Demon
upon entering they found the interior to be winding and coiling as if inside a snake nest, murals on the walls depicting the becoming of the nod commando, and revealing that Kane, a bald stallion she clearly revered, had been guiding her life as he liked since she was a filly, the disenfranchised and forgotten flock to him, armed and given purpose. the brotherhood was all they had and cared about and from the way her mind depicted exploding ponies ascending away from the fires they start, she believed fully in the vision.
on reaching the inner “sanctum” they found a sculpture of Kane in a sermonic pose, before it knelt the commando repeating a mantra that was familiar enough to at least one of them.
“one vision, one purpose, peace, through power… greetings, intruders.”

Luna: “actually, in this particular space i am almost present enough.”
she closes the distance in a hug, the inkpony girl feeling a warm tingle where the apparition made contact.
Freddie: “i dropped the old name though, vigil is who i am and what i am, everything good in my life happened after i got here. including meeting you.”
Vigil: “you had more questions though, right?”
once Whistler had made his report, Twilight cleared them all to enter the castle again.
Twilight: “you have in fact not, sir, still didn’t actually.”

once Whistler had made his report, Twilight cleared them all to enter the castle again
OOC: I thought they were by one of the rooms with a balcony in the past few posts?

While Gerald was taking in the scenery around him, Stranaii spoke to Bloodrose
Stranaii: “Remarkable scenery. You are certainly a follower of this renowned ‘Brotherhood’…and your leader; a charismatic and esteemed individual, capable of raising a hardy stock of servants to follow his will no matter what moral bounds that are encountered. As a former ruler of a star empire myself, I am impressed by this ‘Prophet’”
Gerald looked back to Stranaii staring down with Bloodrose
Stranaii: “But down to business: We have heard your inner thoughts recalling past events along the path into your sanctum. You are the one who was designated to escort the small juvenile to the Princess’ castle through hidden means”
Gerald: “Stealth technology no doubt…and if I had to guess, the action that had just recently ended in the town was also of your organizations doing”
Stranaii: “It is possible to assume that you would’ve been found out too soon, had the decoy assault not been initiated”
Gerald: “So you brought Boomer here so he could free his brothers, huh? And the explosives you placed around the castle? Surely, you must’ve realized that someone would’ve eventually caught onto your scheme”
Stranaii: “As the Griffon earlier has just showed you, there are greater forces you are dealing with than you can even possibly hope to kill”
Gerald: “And ‘meeting in Canterlot’, your echo just reminded? What exactly would you have concocted up there? Blow up a city street? Assassinate a magical princess? Fat chance! Not even three villains with the bell of Grogar could’ve managed that plan!”

In the physical realm, the Deltas looked to each other with confusion when Meetra mentioned a powerful warrior
Fang Hunter (Sev): “Our genetic Template?”
Thunder Force (Scorch): “As if, Sev! Even if it was, that Rakeweed betrayed the Republic by siding with the enemy!”
Rapid Haste: (Fixer): “Easy, Scorch”
Boss turned to the Griffon and asked a question
Night Hunter (Boss): “And who is this ‘solider’ you mentioned exactly?”

Shelly chuckled as Vigil spoke to her
Shelly: <<I do…but I’ll save those for another time. For now, I’m glad that all the initial problems I had upon entering this world have been solved…heh, except for housing of course>>
D!Shelly: <<Oh, I’m sure that can easily be sorted out when you get back to castle…well, other castle I mean>>
Shelly nodded to her spectral self and walked over to the exit door. She turned her head over to the other squid-pony in the room
Shelly: <<Come on Vigil, lets get back to the others. They’re probably wondering where we are right now?>>
She looks over to her spectral self
Shelly: <<What will happen with you, though? You’re technically me yet I feel like myself when I’m dreaming so how does tha->>
D!Shelly: <<I’ll admit, it’s a little complicated but don’t worry. I am part of you so if trouble flares up again in your dreams, I’ll be there for ya in whatever form it comes about. Plus, no doubt that Vigilante here will come by for assistance if the need arises>>

Matias: “So what is-” Before I could ask the question, I notice Whistler re-entering the room and speaking with Twilight on some matters before the Princess told us that we could go back inside the castle “One moment” I trot on over to Whistler “Well, I’m glad Gerald’s okay…but this is information I never expected to hear. That other guy in his mind had powers this whole time?”
Utonium: “Are you referring to that ‘Stranaii’ fellow?”
Matias: “Yeah. If he’s kept this hidden for so long, why did he wait until now to reveal it?” As I contemplate this, the Princess says the same thing about the newcomer pony not introducing themselves. I soon turned over to them “Yes, I meant to ask earlier: What is your name and your background? Did you come from a world different to this one?”
Buttercup: “And what’s with these voices you keep hearing?”
Blossom: “Buttercup!”
Buttercup: “What? We already have one dude in another dudes head, why not expect it from this guy too?”
Matias: “You could’ve worded it better to not sound so rude…” In the corner of my eye, I noticed Bubbles trotting over to Plant Man and Texty
Bubbles: “Mister Plant Man, what did you mean earlier by ‘rogue robot masters’? Is that a thing we should be worrying about?”
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Shiny Bug
Meetra smiled. “You would not know him. Even I do not know his true name. What I do know is that he has shown me his capabilities. In fact, he has been keeping an eye on all of you before I even got here. A master of combat and stealth, he goes by the codename Snake.”

“It is a… Feeling I have.” Plant Man admitted. “Where I come from, there is a scientist, as brilliant as he is insane. He’s created robot masters, like Quick Man, on his mad quest for conquest. But he never sends just one.”
“But this Quick Man could have just been brought here, like you.” Texty said.
“…That’s the thing. The gap in my memory is gone. When I was fixed, it must have repaired that, too.” Plant Man said. “I remember… That I am not here by accident.”
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Crystal Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.

Let’s go gambling!
“Oop, sorry. I’ve lived in this world all my life. My name’s Empire Jack. Royal Guard and part-time Wonderbolt. I’m AJ’s twin-brother, if you can’t tell. (He’s a mare but a boy with wings. How that works, I have no idea).
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