Name: Sickle Stroke
Gender: male
Age: 27
Race/Species: pony (pegasus)
Eye color: Golden
Fur color: Battleship grey
Mane color: Davy’s grey
Height: 4’9’
Cutie mark:
faction: Solifugae (worldwide crime syndicate led by a ring of renegade SE special forces)
Job: part of a ring of a clandestine group
personality: slightly impatient, yet confident and reassuring of himself and of those around him. Believes in professionalism, and applies this to his work. Deeply despises firework rockets because of their “bastardic nature.”
Interesting notes: Graduated from the Wonderbolt Academy as a wing leader. Later on in his career he made it to the Equestrian special purpose brigade where he would partake in brutal “Lunar purges”. He and the company under his command then went rogue after the Crystal Empire had discovered that the brigade had been assassinating NLR refugees seeking sanctum within the CE’s own borders.
The renegades, now calling themselves “Solifugae”, currently have a worldwide headquarters built on the island of the former Tapirus republic, where they flawlessly succeeded in toppling the small nation’s government.