Twilight: stays quiet for three seconds First, you’re going to take a deep breath.
You do as you are told and fill your lungs with oxygen and release it as carbon dioxide.
Twilight: Now…look at me. When I was a young girl, all I ever understood was books. My school grades were the top of every class, like there was nothing else left for anyone to teach me. I may have been a smart girl back then, but I wasn’t very bright. And by that, I mean I was always a welcome doormat to everyone at my schools, especially Crystal Prep. I did have a family, a brother, a mom and dad, but I hardly even saw them during my high school years. My dorm was literally a broom closet and activity coming from Canterlot High might have the answers I needed because it was something different, something I never understood. Transferring to that school was the single most important part of my life because I met Rarity and all the others. No longer was I timid, a pushover, or afraid. I had friends to back me up during my best and worst moments of my life. Whatever I did, they were there behind me to support it. I was still an “A” student but no one would call me a doormat ever again. And now I have lots of friends, I’m married and I’m expecting my first child in about a month! But what I’m basically saying is: Give friendship a chance. Rarity was the open door so why not take it while you still can. In fact, you should head over there when we’re done here? A proper thank you would really be in order, don’t you think?