The My Little Pony Movie


Here’s some new info from Book Con: the IDW comic and the novel “The Stormy Road to Canterlot” are prequels to the film and are tied together (I assume issue 4, which is about Tempest Shadow, will lead into the novel, which will then lead into the film).
Several of the other books that are coming out before the movie are actually set after the movie. And of course there’s a direct novelization coming out on the same week as the film.
Since the Beginning  -

Salt Miner.
>Are actually set after the movie.
…That’s even dumber!
Because unless you’re extremely vague you’ll still probably spoil the events of the movie!

Considering that there’s at least half a dozen of these post-movie tie-ins, and they are somehow all listed for August 29 on Amazon, I would not be surprised if that date might actually turn out to be a placeholder.
Background Pony #638A
At bookcon Bobby said that Grubber is a evil version of Spike.that pretty cool.
Background Pony #1527
evil ponies those hedgehog things and some other type of creatures the same species as him I’m guessing.  
as far as Tempest Shadow goes I see her as being the Furiosa to Storm Kings Immortan Joe by not actually wanting to work for him and eventually betraying him to help good.
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Apparently Mike Vogel was also involved with writing the script. So the movie has three writers: Meghan McCarthy, Rita Hisao, and Mike Vogel.
Eh, I’m not too worried.
Though I do still wonder whatever happened to Joe Ballarini’s involvement…
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This was something written two months ago, but I think it would work as first impressions on that teaser.
Before this teaser was shown, I was very sceptical about it. When I read many years ago that Joe Ballarini (who had written the shitty Ice Age 4) will work on that movie, I was disappointed. Then, many years later, when I read a couple of days ago some official things and rumous about season 7 and the movie (pretty much related to Starlight, the new changelings and Twilight), I was a bit depressed. It didn’t help the fact that the team was working on many EG movies as well as the show at the same time, so I tought this pony movie was going to be something made with no passion, like one of these blockbuster movies made by a cold factory instead of some passionate creators.
But then I watched this teaser. I was happily wrong! We’ve seen less than a minute, but this looks much more interesting than the season 6 and season 7. It’s better than this Game of Thrones trailer reference for season 6 from the last year, don’t you think?
I’ve always been a fan of Friendship is Magic since October 2011 (back then, the newest episode was Sisterhooves Social, one of my favourite episodes in the entire show). But I’m an even bigger fan of film as a whole. Storytelling, characters, arc evolution, soundtrack, inventive details…
I’m not hyped, but I’m much more interested in this movie than the future of the show (which is turning into some kind of “The adventures of Starlight Glimmeh” and a fan appeasement collection). Let’s give it a chance.
So what do I personally want from this movie in particular?
First of all, the main focus should be on the Mane 6 and Spike or the Cutie Mark Crusaders. It’s impossible to avoid Starlight Glimmer topic. This unicorn wasn’t very interesting to begin with. She looks like one of these boring anime characters with super-powers. And it doesn’t make sense that the character is suddenly socially awkward after being able to control a whole town. And I keep saying the same thing: In episodes like The Crystalling, No second prances and A hearth’s warming tail, we see Starlight trying to redeem herself. Each episode is a little step of her. What happens after that? She does the complete opposite thing in Every little thing she does. So the show will be focused on her, but I would really appreciate it if the movie will be focused on the six main characters or the Cutie Mark Crusaders like the first seasons. They are simple, but very relatable for everyone. Adults, kids, teenagers… The more main characters you have, the harder is to write the script. So I prefer something simple for them. I haven’t seen Starlight in the teaser, so that’s a good sign.
Less emphasis on magic. Don’t get me wrong, I want to see magic in this movie. But it should be used sparingly. If you see the first seasons, Twilight uses a bit of magic to read books or holding some objects, but in crucial moments like that ursa major, more magic is necessary. Sure, everyone loves magic, but after watching a huge compendium of magic (the case of season 6, like that boring opening of Every little thing she does), it just takes the magic away. Magic should be used as a storytelling element to progress the story, not as fan appeasement.
Make a story that doesn’t depend on the TV show to understand the movie. Remember when Square-Enix made a bunch of products related to Final Fantasy VII? Movies, anime, games, mobile games… Most of the fans said all these products were trying to present a big part of a story you already have been told. A story from a game that didn’t need another game or a big movie to understand the characters. It’s something like Kingdom Hearts, a series that received too many videogames with too many spin-off stories. Let’s face it: If the movie is going to depend on the show, the viewers who haven’t watched the show won’t understand the story. The movie needs an accessible story.
If the story needs a villain, then the villain should be new, solid and unforgettable. I don’t want to see the return of Tirek and specially Chrysalis after what they have done with her in the ending of season 6. I’ve seen some toy designs from the marketing of this movie and the characters look great and they are new, they are not introduced from the show. If you want to see something new, I think you’ll like the new characters. Personally, I really like them, at least visually.
The Mane 6 or the Cutie Mark Crusaders have to be faithful to the source material. And yes, I’m going to talk about Pinkie Pie. In the first seasons, she was a happy character who makes parties and wants everypony to be happy. But then, since season 3, she started to be incredibly annoying with screams, forced jokes and creepy faces from a Garry’s Mod silly animation as the main method os creating Pinkie Pie. That’s a pity, because she used to be my favourite character in the show. But now, she seems to be more like a tool than a character. One of my favourite examples is her appearance in Flutter Brutter. She appears not because she wants to contribute anything to the story, but because she has to scream as loud as she can. Or how about The one where Pinkie Pie Knows? That episode exists not because the writers want to introduce a new alicorn, but because the story is an excuse for Pinkie Pie to be as creepy, annoying and shouting as possible. I think people mistake that being a comic relief means being always annoying and loud and nothing else. If you watch some episodes from the seasons 1 and 2, you see that Pinkie speaks up many times, but she didn’t get to the point where she’s annoying. Since season 3 came out, the writers decided to make her loud in many episodes for many years. It’s much easier that way and people will still like it anyway. This has me worried. I don’t want to hear screams as the main method of writing her. For me, the last good Pinkie Pie episode was Pinkie Pride and the best episode was Party of One. That episode came out in a moment where she wasn’t very creepy, so it makes sense to write an episode where she’s really affected by that birthday party.
Let’s talk about the visuals. The TV show and the EG movies look are basically Flash cartoon. My biggest fear was if the movie will be filmed like that. Fortunately, it looks amazing. Stick to this design style, because it looks wonderful for a movie based on My Little Pony with characters like Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. But don’t depend too much on the visuals so you would focus less on the story. There’s a book called “The art of Frozen”. It says that “A good story might have a lazy animation, but even the most beautiful animation can’t save a bad story”. That’s actually true if you think of it. The writers of Frozen cared about the story. Some of the best animated films are praised because of the story, movies such as UP, WALL·E, Inside Out, the Toy Story trilogy, Spirited Away, Beauty and the beast (the good one), The lion king… The most important thing of a movie is the story, and animated films are not exception.
Speaking about the visuals, use this design style to give us Equestria with amazing views. Give to this movie great shots where we viewer can praise the huge scale of the world so it would be very creative and wonderful.
The music should be orchestral, not pop songs. I could accept one or two, but the soundtrack shouldn’t be focused on pop songs. One thing I didn’t like about the EG movies (specially Rainbow Rocks) was the music. The first movie had a couple of good songs, the second film I only liked the credits song and I don’t remember any song from the third movie.
If you’re like TL;DR and you don’t want to read it at all, I’ll give you a quick recap:
-The main characters should be the mane 6 or the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Starlight Glimmer shouldn’t be the main focus. I would accept at least a tiny role.  
-Magic sparingly used as a storytelling element to advance the story.  
-Make a standalone story.  
-The main villain should be solid and memorable.  
-The main characters shouldn’t be dived into full parody mode, specially Pinkie Pie.  
-Stick to this design style. It’s great.  
-Focus on the story instead of style over substance.  
-Use this style to give us amazing shots of Equestria.  
-Orchestral music.
And last but not least, the movie has to be fun. Simple as that.
Like I’ve said, the movie is more interesting than season 6 and 7, but I’m not hyped because the show disapopinted me several times with changes, forced jokes, repetitive stories, unnecessary stories, a seventh character who’s not very interesting… Even though, my first impressions about the movie are very positive, so the only thing it could possibly go wrong in the future would probably be Pinkie Pie as an annoying character (this is more established than the speeches of Christopher Nolan). If everything is done right, the movie will be more than just a good movie. The only thing we have to hold is hope.
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@Seabridge Drive  
The later seasons are not bad, don’t get me wrong. But they became more distant from the classic seasons and gravitated away from what I originally loved about it. They repeat many concepts (Every little thing she does is basically Lesson Zero 2.0, but more inconsistent), and the stories are getting ridiculous. The reason why Starlight was a villain is “Oh, my best friend got his cutie mark, so I’m evil now”.
And the writers changed a lot of the characters I used to love. My favourite charcter was Pinkie Pie, but since season 3 she became extremely annoying, shouting and desperated with forced jokes in every single episode (with some exceptions like Pinkie Pride). because of that, I lost patience, specially after Gift from Maud Pie from season 6. Because of that, she is the character I like the least, including background ponies.
Oh, and the changelings are now multicolored deers with fairy wings and alien eyes.
I stopped watching the show after Celestial Advise because the show was becoming more and more about Starlight and Trixie (an uninteresting unicorn and a character who didn’t need to have a bigger role), not about the six main characters we used to love.
Seabridge Drive
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Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

shhhhh, I'm not here
that’s kind of the point of the later seasons, the main characters have already been developed in terms of reaching their goals, which in turn brings in new characters to the show. It seems your disinterest with the later seasons is similar with those who hated Twilicorn.
There’s no such thing as forced jokes here, the characters are all loveable to the start, and what the fuck do you mean Starlight is uninteresting? Considering the story arc, I don’t see your point of view of what is unwatchable about the later seasons. In fact the earlier seasons are not as rewatchable as the later seasons.
Going with what others have reacted from you, most are facepalming on your ridiculous claims
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Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
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Ten years of changes - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of MLP:FiM!
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@Seabridge Drive  
I’ve heard this “the main characters have already been developed” reason many times, but I disagree. One way to make more episodes about the mane 6 is putting them in different and new situations that affect them. For example, They could make an adventure episode about Rainbow Dash going with the Wonderbolts in a different place instead of Newbie Dash. They could make comedic episodes about Twilight being a princess instead of very few episodes about her. They could make an adventure episode with the CMC and Gubby (or Gabby, the griffon) trying to fix her town instead of… Fault on the Cutie Marks. You don’t need Buckball season, just make adventure episodes with the characters we already love.
And about the forced jokes, there’s a part in Tank for the Memories where they repeated the same “don’t say that word” joke 3 times in less than a minute. And it didn’t feel natural for me. There’s a moment in Gift of the Maud Pie where there’s a “…and then the cannon exploded” joke that repeats three times in less than a minute.
About Starlight, I think a character is very interesting when she’s very vulnerable and when you had enough time to develop her personality. Starlight for some strange reason is a more powerful unicorn than the alicorn Twilight, her backstory was written in less than a minute and her reason why she was a villain doesn’t make any sense. And the episode Every little thing she does makes her unredeemable.
And one last thing: I’m not saying these things like they are absolute. Nothing is absolute, so don’t be agressive and don’t act like I speak from the truth (specially after you said “what the fuck” and “ridiculous claims”). I understand why people enjoy watching Starlight and Trixie, so I’m not completely negative. In fact, I love some episodes from the later seasons. Crusaders of the Lost Mark is for me the last excelent episode of the TV show and nothing can top that episode. And I love Rarity Takes Manehattan. So I’m not entirely pessimistic. So be civile and love and tolerance people the same way they love and tolerance you.
That being said, I hope you and everyone else enjoy the rest of the season 7. ;)
Seabridge Drive
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
A Tale For The Ages - Celebrated MLP's 35th Anniversary and FiM's 8th Anniversary
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Birthday Cake - Celebrated MLP's 7th birthday
Thread Starter - My Little Pony Movie thread
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

shhhhh, I'm not here
You try to claim that what you are saying is not deemed as the truth when in actuality you’re doing just that. If you are that pessimistic about the later series, quit watching it and find something else that actually satisfies your need.
Your the type of fan that I hate that is pessimistic and complains about every new detail of the show rather than enjoying it for what it is. Saying the show is becoming less good is a very absurd claim in your part (as well as anyone else who believes that for some reason) considering how most of the early episodes are not re-watchable compared to the later episodes.
Take your distaste for Starlight and other measly tropes that you are butthurt about elsewhere, because it is NOT on topic in my thread.
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