I, personally, ship him with Rainbow Dash. He’s actually on that Top 100 lost three times. Rainbow (by a huge margin), Spitfire and Braeburn are his most popular ships. I like the Spitfire ship, too.
It’s interesting how few Gilda pairings there are. I’m not sure if she’s unpopular to pair or the overwhelming number of other ships just makes the effort unappealing. I would have thought at least Gilda and Gallus would make some headway.
Never really considered Coco but that may be because the only reason I even considered pairing Thorax was the idea of human Thorax being a Hollywood effects artist, long story. Rarity seems like she’d run into him doing design work for a film.
Hmmm. I don’t know. I don’t know if I ever got a good grasp of Derpy as her own character to give a good answer.
Do you like that as a ship? It is a cute thinking about it and it’s certainly an underplayed ship. I feel like Derpy’s got enough personality that you wouldn’t be working with a blank slate but would still have room to come up with your own ideas or favorite fanon stuff.