Badge Dragon
It wasn’t a bad episode, but I have to say these episodes where we aren’t even really introduced to new characters or settings make the 2 week breaks feel extra long.
Just because one arc ends doesn’t mean that it won’t lead to the start of another.
Customers do it all the time, obviously not in front of employees and certainly not in front of whoever employed them. And even if they did, it’s not like businessmen cared, else Pibby would be greenlit already.
@Background Pony #E217
He’s just putting it simply that g4 is a bad show. And I don’t blame him or him.
@Background Pony #E217
He’s just putting it simply that g4 is a bad show. And I don’t blame him or him.Or he could just be putting it simply that G4 has flaws that G5 has improved. Criticizing what you love is not the same as saying it’s bad.
The entire gen’s built on the promise that it’s a distant sequel to G4 while using the promise of explaining how that’s possible has been the carrot on the stick prompting people to want to see more.
The problem is that not one of the dozens of explanations or teased answers either make any sense at all or contradict everything that happened before it.
G4 always kept things simple to Celestia and Luna ruling Equestria, with the Tree of Harmony thrown in as a magic source of everything.
G5 meanwhile hasn’t explained anything about where anyone’s gone
what Opaline’s deal is
and even the story around the unity crystals changes every time it’s brought up.
This basically means that there is a port location near the theme park - and we haven’t seen it. There are piers and boats there in the theme park area.
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