In Spain, ETA, a far-left terror organization, terrorized the civilian populace for decades. They may have started out as being against Franco’s regime, but long after he was dead and the country was fully democratic, they still enjoyed bombing shopping malls, killing children, executing journalists and random civil servants. And they never repented.
They’re not unique, at all. Europe was full of these sorts and several groups still linger. More globally, you have the FARC and Shining Path slaughtering whoever they please in south America, and the middle east has been littered with rolling terror groups that declare themselves far left, not just jihadist or islamist.
This isn’t a “both sides” thing; people that think mass murder is justifiable don’t do it for some ideology, they do it because they want to kill people and the ideology is the excuse. Violent leftist rhetoric has been popular worldwide, so the psychos gravitated towards that. Now that the US is the center of the world and righties there are insane, the violent psychos naturally go for that.