I’m not sure what some guy carrying a goose has to do with anything. Fucking birds attack anyone they see and play chicken with traffic, anyone that’s lived near the things has had the urge to kick their heads off.
@Background Pony #7A74
Big shocker, large groups of impoverished people put in one place and left alone (or even intentionally ghetoized) leads to crime. European ultra-capitalist / conservative governments wanted to import cheap manual labour but then not pay for education, training, or housing. And now that there’s poverty and crime, the very same conservatives block and refuse any funding or effort to work the problem they created and instead turn to xenophobia and racism for another quick and easy solution.
You’d think with how conservatives keep thinking they’re the smart capitalists, they’d’ve figured out that being stingy with infrastructure, planning, and education doesn’t pay off in the long run…
(that’s a joke, everyone knows these fuckers can’t see beyond the next financial or electoral cycle, PROFITS NOW!)