If I lived with an abusives alcoholic dad and I hate him so much, but I turn out to be an abusive alcoholic dad to my child,
wouldn’t it be appropriate to then CALL ME OUT for it? Saying stuff like “he’s not his dad, not even close. his alcholism is different, his abuse was different, his child is different. Implying that he’s like his dad is offensive to him.”
and that would be correct. it WOULD be offensive to me, BUT, it would remind me that maaaaybe, I’m
turning into the monster I once despised. Calling me for acting like my dad DOES NOT trivialize the abuse I’ve suffered under him. What is this bullshit?
Telling everybody that Israel literally can’t be Nazi feels like giving them free pass to eventually gas palestinians and break their windows, knowing they at the very least, they will never be. BY DEFINITION. Nazis.