I just got around to reading Hawley’s reason for why he plans to vote no on Finland and Sweden joining NATO. See if you can find the hidden subtext in this worm filled word-salad.
“But America’s greatest foreign adversary doesn’t loom over Europe. It looms in Asia. I am talking of course about the People’s Republic of China. And when it comes to Chinese imperialism, the American people should know the truth: the United States is not ready to resist it. Expanding American security commitments in Europe now would only make that problem worse—and America, less safe.”
Ignoring the Russian dick-sucking for a minute let’s analyze his response at face value.
It almost implies that he thinks NATO can only respond to European threats. Which is wrong, completely. Moreover, NATO has “members” in Asia, as South Korea, Japan, and Australia are part of various secondary contracts under NATO, and regularly do training, exchanges, and trade deals with NATO aligned countries.
So, it’s not that Hawley is either a complete idiot or Russian sycophant. He’s both.