Stupid stuff that comes to mind that we want to post


TIL Georgians were actually an orthodox country, not Muslims.
(I’m talking about the country that was a former Soviet state 🇬🇪, not USA state.)


Idk if Georgians have a long shared history of conflicts between the Dagestanis and Chechens tho.


Music/Charts Enthusiast
Man, by the time Gen Beta starts calling the shots in running the world, I’m going to be showing my age


Apparently, so I passed 100 subscribers on my YouTube channel and YouTube is making a big deal off of it lol.
Uhhhhh… Chama I guess.

Penguin Dragneel 

The Lady Lightbringer
“Eh, it’s no big deal! I’ll just grab the power saw and-”
“Oh shit…”


K-5 wins
the younger generation is so soft these days that my lifelong ambition to become a supervillain is now achievable

ᎶㄖҜㄩ 乃ㄥ卂匚Ҝ 

Me: (applying primarily for manufacturing and warehouse jobs like CRAZY!)
Indeed’s algorithm: “We think you’d be great at door-to-door sales!”
Me: No I would not! Door-to-door is a stupid scammy business practice.


Islam Makhachev riding a black horse = +1000 aura.
Mang actually loves horseback as much as riding his opponent’s back. ;)

ᎶㄖҜㄩ 乃ㄥ卂匚Ҝ 

LinkedIn sucks. It’s just another trendy-ass social media site that’s doomed to fail any day now.
LinkedIn sucks. It’s just another trendy-ass social media site that’s doomed to fail any day now.
Then again, so does Indeed and ZipRecruiter. Hardly any decent job postings on Craigslist, too (at least in my area.)


Other than Merab toying with Umar in the last round, this scene Merab taunting Khabib because his cousin couldn’t land a takedown on him was also another huge spit in our faces.
The first time I felt demoralized for my bro because he got beat in his own game.


Makhachev’s submission grip is soo deadly, he has tapped alot i mean: ALOT of BJJ black belters he has fought so quickly. These guys tap because if they don’t, he could actually break their bones, cave their organs and kill them rather than going to sleep.
He is fraud checking their belt status as if they don’t deserve to be a black belt.


Time to get spooky
No idea why my brain decided that Dead Space was a good series to dream about.
On another note, I’ve noticed that my interests tend to come in waves, both it suddenly being “obsessed” with something and said “obsession” dropping off suddenly. I tend to still like the thing afterwards, but I tend to tone down quite a bit. I think the Yu-Gi-Oh thread is a good example of that, with me going from giving my opinions of episodes almost daily to barely posting anything there these days.
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