Fuck… shit…
Dude i’m only 24 years old to start with an onset of Diabetes. How is this even possible.
You see, since the start of this pandemic, i’ve developed an unstoppable habit of binge-eating every single midnight. Ranging between fatties and calories which keeps my satisfactory while watching / browsing the Internet at most times. If I don’t eat, I get hungry badly and it’s disrupting my will to sleep. And if I’m full, It’s like i’m being compressed by a heavy material on top of me when I lie down on my bed trying to sleep. Also maybe because of this habit I’ve been waking up every single day with a severe headache main due to having an insufficient ammount of sleep. (My sleep duration has been decreasing drastically also since the start of this pandemic from my usual 7-8 hours to no less than 5 hours.)
Now, i’ve been trying to combat this habit by eating dietary food like crackers, lessening what’s keeping me up all night, figuring something that would exhaust me to sleep instead of wasting my time hanging around you guys and shitposting anywhere on the Internet.